This is a console-based Bataille Navale (Battleship) game implemented in C++.
(this is a school project)
This program simulates a two-player Battleship game where players place their ships on an 8x8 grid and take turns to guess and attack each other's ships.
-Players input the positions of their ships by specifying the column (A-H) and row (1-8).
-Once ships are placed, players take turns to fire at the opponent's grid by inputting coordinates.
The game ends when one player successfully sinks all of the opponent's ships.
Compile the code using a C++ compiler. Run the compiled executable. Follow the instructions to input ship positions and take shots at the opponent's grid. Code Structure printNavireA() and printNavireB() print the initial ship placements for Player A and Player B, respectively. printshootA() and printshootB() display the shots fired by Player A and Player B. input_playerA() and input_playerB() allow players to input their ship positions. Place_Fire() controls the turn-based firing mechanism and determines the winner. createGameTable() initializes the game grids. Usage To run the game:
g++ Bataille-Navale.cpp -o BatailleNavale
Follow the on-screen instructions to play the game.
created with ❤️ by max21910 in 🇫🇷