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Semantic Tag Utility

The semantic-tag-utility provides tooling for generating and extracting semantic metadata tags for SysML v2 models. It has three main feature:

  1. Generation of SysML v2 tagging library based on a semantic web ontology
  2. Enriching the SysML v2 AST with @context information from the SysML v2 Metamodel
  3. Extracting and transforming of the SysML v2 model's RDF graph


The semantic-tag-utility is writen in Python. It uses rdflib for all RDF related tasks and requests for the optional SysML v2 API Services integration. The project is managed using poetry. For creating SysML v2 models and generating their ASTs, it is recommended to use the current release of the SysML v2 language. If you want to follow the Tutorial you should install the SysML v2 JupyterLab environment.

To install the projects dependencies it is recommended to use poetry.

  poetry install

In order to transform a SysML v2 model's AST to an RDF graph, the semantic-tag-utility needs access to the SysML v2 Metamodel JSON-LD files. They are located in the SysML v2 API Services repository. If you want to download them, you can clone their repository with

git clone

The metamodel JSON-LD files are then located at SysML-v2-API-Services/public/jsonld/metamodel

Alternatively, you can download their latest release and unzip it


The metamodel JSON-LD files are then located at SysML-v2-API-Services-2024-02/public/jsonld/metamodel


To run the project it is recommended to use poetry.

  poetry run --help

This will print out detailed usage information. To get detailed information about the individual commands, you can use

  poetry run gen-library --help
  poetry run gen-jsonld --help
  poetry run transform-rdf --help

Step-by-Step Tutorial


Let's start with a simple SysML v2 model. That has a part definition and part usage.

package Tutorial {
    part def TutorialSystem;
    part TutorialSensor: TutorialSystem;

The model represents a system that has one sensor. However, currently it does not contain any semantic information about the sensor. We only know that TutorialSensor is supposed to be as sensor, because of its declared name. If we want to express that TutorialSensor is sensor as it is defined in the SOSA ontology, we can do this with the help of the semantic-tag-utility. First, we have to generate a tagging library based on SOSA. To do this we simply call

poetry run python gen-library \
         --input-ontology-ns "" \
         --prefix-ontology "sosa" \
         --prefix-library "SOSA_" \
         --package-name "SOSA" \
         --output "SOSA_Tags.sysml"

This will generate a file called SOSA_Tags.sysml that contains all the metadata and connection definitions needed for tagging the model. Every rdfs:Class and owl:Class from the SOSA ontology was converted to metadata definition. The contents will look something like this:

package SosaTags {
	//  This package was auto-generated

	metadata def SOSA_Sensor;


Next, we import the generated library as package into the model. Then, the TutorialSensor can be tagged with SOSA_Sensor.

package Tutorial {
    public import SOSA::*;

    part def TutorialSystem;
    part TutorialSensor: TutorialSystem {@SOSA_Sensor{}}

To generate the AST of the model we can use the %export Tutorial command in the SysML v2 JupyterLab environment. To display the package structure we can use %show Tutorial, and for visualization of the Tutorial package we can call %viz Tutorial.

We call

%export Tutorial

to generate the downloadable AST JSON file of the model.

In the next step, the AST of the model is enriched with @context information from the SysML v2 Metamodel. This is done in order to generate a proper RDF graph. To do so, we use the following command from the semantic-tag-utility:

poetry run python gen-jsonld \
  --input-ast-file Tutorial.json \
  --output-jsonld Tutorial.jsonld \
  --base-uri "" \
  --metadata-dir "path/to/SysML/v2/metamodel"

Notice that we have to supply the path SysML v2 metamodel JSON-LD files. They are not packaged with this utility. They are located in this repository. In the Installation section of the, you can find instructions how to download them.

The last step is to extract the semantic metadata information from the model's RDF graph. To do so, we use this command:

 poetry run python transform-rdf \
  --input-model Tutorial.jsonld \
  --output-rdf Tutorial.ttl \
  --base-uri "" \
  --input-ontology-ns "" \
  --prefix-ontology "sosa:" \
  --prefix-library "SOSA_"

This will produce the following output:

@prefix base: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

base:3e917745-f059-4098-8183-ee7ed1629a09 a sosa:Sensor ;
    rdf:comment "Tutorial::TutorialSensor"^^xsd:string ;
    rdf:label "TutorialSensor"^^xsd:string .

The TutorialSensor part was transformed to be sosa:Sensor type preserving its original element URI. Its original qualified name is used as comment, and it has its declared name as a label.


We have done the following steps:

  • Created a SysML v2 Model
  • Generated a semantic tagging library based on the SOSA ontology
  • Tagged the model
  • Generated the AST of the model
  • Enriched the AST with the SysML v2 Metamodel
  • Transformed the model's RDF graph into the target ontology (SOSA).

Next Steps

The transformed RDF graph can now be used as run-time model of our model. We can update or transform it to our likings or use it with other tools. What is more, instead of manually calling the CLI tool, the CI/CD integration can be used to automate the aforementioned steps.

CI/CD Integration

This repository contains a sample CI/CD integration, that performs all transformation steps automatically. Simply update the SysML model in the model directory and push the changes. The GitHub workflow will be executed and the transformed graph is returned as an artifact. To configure the workflow, change the values in the .env file in the model directory.

Implementation Details

If you want to take a closer look at the implementation of the semantic-tag-utility you can check out these files:

  • this is the CLI wrapper for the other tools
  • tools/ conversion form the AST to a proper RDF graph
  • tools/ generation of the SysML v2 tagging library:
    1. Parses the input ontology
    2. Searches for all subjects that are of type rdfs:Class or owl:Class and converts them to SysML v2 metadata definitions
    3. Searches for all subjects that are of type owl:ObjectProperty and converts them to SysML v2 connection definitions
    4. Creates a package with the metadata and connection definitions
  • tools/ performs the RDF graph transformation:
    1. Parses the RDF graph
    2. Extracts all the metadata information
    3. Extracts all connection information
    4. Combines them into a new RDF graph
  • tools/ this is a tool that downloads all elements in JSON-LD format of the latest project from the SysML v2 API services.

Extraction of Metadata Tags

The semantic-tag-utility uses the RDF node structure displayed in the diagram below

MetadataUsage node structure

Every usage of a metadata tag in the SysML v2 model create a MetadataUsage. This node links to its MetadataDefinition and the annotatedElement, e.g., a PartUsage. The declaredName in the MetadataDefinition then gets converted to a proper URI by the SPARQL query.

Extraction of Connection Tags

The extraction of the connection information is a bit more involved.

ConnectionUsage node structure

If an element that is not a PartUsage is used in a connection, a new Feature node will be introduced. Together with the FeatureChaining node, this can than be tracked back the actual element e.g., an AttributeUsage. Likewise, the declaredName of the ConnectionUsage is converted to a proper URI by the SPARQL query.


If you run into any problems, or you want to collaborate please open an issue.

Third Party Libraries

This project uses the following Third Party Libraries:

For the CI/CD Integration:

If you want to cite this project please use the following BibTeX entry:

  author={Klaassen, Christoph and Thoma, Max and Steindl, Gernot and Amiri, Amirali and Kasper, Lukas and Hofmann, René},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)}, 
  title={Semantic Annotation of System Models for Generating RDF Runtime Models}, 
  keywords={Runtime;Annotations;Semantics;Ontologies;Resource description framework;Reliability;Informatics;Thermal energy;Energy storage;Energy Systems Modeling;SysML v2;Semantic Web;Ontologies;Model Transformation},


Utility for generating and extracting semantic metadata tags from SysML v2 models








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