Parse html to json object using predefined schema. Inspired by x-ray and scrape-it
# Using npm
npm install --save @mawngo/html-parser
Scraping using html-parser with axios
import { Parser } from "@mawngo/html-parser";
import axios from "axios";
const parser = new Parser();
async function main() {
const html = (await axios.get("")).data;
const data = await parser.parseHtml(html, {
selector: {
title: "h3 a:last-child",
user: {
selector: "a:first-child",
scope: "h3" // find first element using this scope selector. then apply the selector on this element
stars: {
selector: "span#repo-stars-counter-star",
number: true // parse value as number
scope: [".col-md-8 > article"] // find all element using this scope selector. then apply the selector on each element
// [
// { title: "bootstrap", user: "twbs", stars: 155000 },
// { title: "electron", user: "electron", stars: 100000 },
// { title: "storybook", user: "storybookjs", stars: 68600 },
// { title: "Front-End-Checklist", user: "thedaviddias", stars: 58000 },
// { title: "html5-boilerplate", user: "h5bp", stars: 52300 },
// ...
// ];
Simplify selector schema using helpers
import { num, obj, Parser, str } from "@mawngo/html-parser";
import axios from "axios";
const parser = new Parser();
async function main() {
const html = (await axios.get("")).data;
const data = await parser.parseHtml(html,
title: "h3 a:last-child",
user: str("a:first-child", "h3"),
stars: num("span#repo-stars-counter-star")
}, [".col-md-8 > article"])
// [
// { title: "bootstrap", user: "twbs", stars: 155000 },
// { title: "electron", user: "electron", stars: 100000 },
// { title: "storybook", user: "storybookjs", stars: 68600 },
// { title: "Front-End-Checklist", user: "thedaviddias", stars: 58000 },
// { title: "html5-boilerplate", user: "h5bp", stars: 52300 },
// ...
// ];
Create new parser instance
engines?: ParserEngine<P>[]
: Array of custom enginesnodeFactory?: NodeFactory
: factory class to create nodes. default parser use Cheerio backed node factorytransforms?: { [key: string]: TransformFunction }
: map of transform function (built-in transforms
)objTransforms?: { [key: string]: TransformFunction }
: map of transform function that apply to object selectorP
additional custom selector to support
import { Parser, BasicParser } from "@mawngo/html-parser"
// Default parser
// included ObjectParserEngine, BooleanParserEngine, NumberParserEngine, DateParserEngine, DefaultParserEngine (StringParserEngine)
new Parser();
// Basic parser, only include ObjectParserEngine and DefaultParserEngine (StringParserEngine)
new BasicParser();
// Advanced usage with custom engine
new Parser<MyCustomSelector>({
engines: [new MyCustomEngine()]
interface MyCustomSelector extends ValueSelector {
me: true;
class MyCustomEngine extends ValueParserEngine<MyCustomSelector> {
match(selector: any): boolean {
return selector?.me === true;
protected parseValue(value: any, _: MyCustomSelector): Promise<any> {
// just an example. this engine does nothing
return Promise.resolve(value);
Parse html
specify the return type
html: string
the html to parse
selector: string | string[] | GeneralSelector<P>
the selector schema
The selector can be a string, or array of single string follow the
format [selector]@[attribute] | [built-in transform]
where the [selector]
is a Jquery selector. [built-in transform]
will be shifted to
the transforms?: (string | TransformFunction)[]
import { Parser } from "@mawngo/html-parser"
const html = "<h1>Hello</h1> <h1>World</h1>";
const parser = new Parser();
parser.parseHtml(html, "h1"); // "Hello"
parser.parseHtml(html, "h1@text"); // "Hello"
parser.parseHtml(html, ["h1"]); // ["Hello", "World"]
parser.parseHtml(html, "h1@innerHTML"); // "Hello" (the innerHTML of h1 element)
parser.parseHtml(html, "h1@html"); // "Hello" (the innerHTML of h1 element)
parser.parseHtml(html, "h1@outerHTML"); // "<h1>Hello</h1>"
The selector can also an object. Structure of the selector object based on the Selector that parser support or the engines that passed to engines options. Common selector properties are:
selector: string | string[] | MapSelector
: The actual selectorscope?: string | string []
: scope of selector. transform to$(scope).find(selector)
trim?: boolean
: trim the value before process. default totrue
transforms?: (string | TransformFunction)[]
: list of transform to apply. transform can be a function that take current value and return another value, or name ofbuilt-in transforms
. if applied when theselector
is an array (select all), the transform will be applied on each item in result listarrTransforms?: (string | TransformFunction)[]
: list of arrTransform to apply. arrTransform only apply if the selector is array (select all) .arrTransform can be a function that take current value and return another value, or name ofbuilt-in transforms
Built-in engines to convert parsed data into various data types like date, number, boolean
Parse value into string, or match string value
interface DefaultSelector {
selector: string | string[];
string?: boolean; // require true if using StringParserEngine. optional if using DefaultParserEngine
default?: string | null; // default value
defaultIfEmpty?: string | null; // default value if value is empty
match?: string | RegExp; // match the value and return match
defaultIfNoMatch?: string | null; // default value if there is no match
- if complex type or null passed, the parser return default value
Enable support for nested selector map
interface ObjectSelector {
selector: { [key: string]: GeneralSelector };// GeneralSelector can be any supported selector
trim?: boolean; // apply trim for all sub selector (only if sub selector trim property is not specified)
transforms?: (string | TransformFunction)[]; // apply transforms for all sub selector (apply after sub selector transform)
arrTransforms?: (string | TransformFunction)[]; // apply arrTransforms for all sub selector (apply after sub selector arrTransform, and only if sub selector is array selector)
objTransforms?: (string | TransformFunction)[]; // apply transform to the object result;
flat?: boolean; // flatten the object, merge its keys with its parent keys
- arrTransforms will be applied on all object's array fields, and run after fields arrTransform
- transforms will be applied on all object's fields, and run after fields transform
- objTransforms will be applied on the object after all of its fields resolved
- if flat is true, the parser will merge current object keys with its parent (do nothing if specified in root schema)
Parse value into boolean
interface BooleanSelector {
selector: string | string[];
boolean: true; // required
truthy?: string | string[]; // list of value to parse as true.
falsy?: string | string[]; // list of value to parse as false
default?: boolean | null; // default value
- if complex type or null passed, the parser return default value
- if number passed the parser parse 0 as false, others as true
- if falsy, and truthy not provided, the parser parse non-empty string as true, empty string as false
- if only falsy provided, the parser parse falsy string as false, otherwise true
- if only truthy provided, the parser parse truthy string as true, otherwise false
- if both passed, the parser parse truthy string as true, falsy string as false, otherwise default value
Parse value into number. Use numeral.js for numeric parsing and formatting, can handler various input string format like "$10,000.00", "3.467TB", "76%", ...
interface NumberSelector {
selector: string | string[];
number: true; // required
int?: boolean; // round value to int
default?: number | null; // default value
format?: "number" | string; // if format string passed then format number to that format (as string)
roundMode?: "round" | "floor" | "ceil"; // mode used to round value to int
- if invalid number passed, the parser return default value
- if complex type or null passed, the parser return default value
- if boolean passed, the parser return 0 for false and 1 for true
- if format options is 'number', the parser return value as number (default)
- if format options is other string, the parser return formatted number string
- list of number format
Parse value into date. use day.js for date parsing and formatting
interface NumberSelector {
selector: string | string[];
date: true; // required
parse?: string | string[]; // format for parsing input string into date
format?: "iso" | "date" | "dayjs" | "timestamp" | string; // output format
default?: string | Date | number; // default value
- if invalid date passed, the parser return default value
- if complex type or null passed, the parser return default value
- the parse options can be an array of string, for parsing different format
- if number passed, the parser parse the number as timestamp
- if format options is 'iso', the parser return value as iso date string (default)
- if format options is 'date', the parser return value as Date object
- if format options is 'timestamp', the parser return value as timestamp number
- if format options is 'dayjs', the parser return value as dayjs instance
- if format options is other string, the parser return formatted date string
- list of date format token
Using schema helpers function to reduce nesting of your selector. example
import { date, num, obj, Parser } from "@mawngo/html-parser";
const parser = new Parser();
// using schema only
parser.parseHtml(html, {
selector: {
number: {
selector: "pagination li",
number: true // required for parsing number
date: {
selector: "",
date: true // required for parsing date
scoped: {
selector: ".title",
scope: ["article"]
// using helpers
number: num("pagination li"),
date: date(""),
scoped: str(".title", ["article"])
List of available helpers
obj(selector: { [key: string]: GeneralSelector }, scopeOrOptions?): ObjectSelector
flat(selector: { [key: string]: GeneralSelector }, scopeOrOptions?): ObjectSelector & { flat: true }
num(selector: string | string[], scopeOrOptions?, default?): NumberSelector
int(selector: string | string[], scopeOrOptions?, default?): NumberSelector
str(selector: string | string[], scopeOrOptions?, default?): StringSelector
match(regex: string | RegExp, selector: string | string[], scopeOrOptions?, default?): StringSelector & { match: /regex/ }
bool(selector: string | string[], scopeOrOptions?, truthy?, falsy?): BooleanSelector
date(selector: string | string[], scopeOrOptions?, parse?, format?, default?): DateSelector
Almost all built-in transforms can be applied on single value, array and object. For array and object, the transform will auto applied to each item (in array) or field (in object)
Marked built-in transforms (* at the start) only support some specific type. They will return the input value if type is not supported
replace(input, match, replaceBy)
: replace matched in string (match is treated as regex). -
match(input, token, flag?, defaultIfNoMatch?)
: match string (match is treated as regex), return matched value. -
matchAll(input, token, flag?, defaultIfNoMatch?)
: likematch
but return all matched value as array (empty array if not match). -
split(input, token, flag?)
: split string by token (token is treated as regex). return array of string. -
: convert input to lowercase. -
: convert input to uppercase. -
: convert input to title (upper case first letter of each word). -
def(input, default, mode?: "blank", values?: [])
: return default if input is in values, or input is blank | empty | falsy | null (based on mode) -
empty(input, default, mode?: "blank", values?: [])
: likedef
but return empty string instead of default -
*join(input, glue?)
: join array into string. Only support array or object (join all object values into string). -
*flat(input, depth?)
: flatten array. Only support array. -
: remove duplicated element in array. Only support array. -
wrap(input, key?)
: if key not specified, return array contain input. if key is specified, return object which have 'key' value is input -
*del(input, match)
: return null if value equal to match. For object, remove all key which have value equal to match. For array, remove all item equal to match -
: convert input to string -
: calltoString
on input (basically convert input to string, but without special treatment for array and object). return string -
: callJSON.stringify
on input. return json string