Are your terminal colors feeling a bit... last century? Chalk-Pantone to the rescue! It's like a color bomb went off in your console—over 100 new Pantone colors for you to enjoy.
Chalk-Pantone extends Chalk to bring you a Pantone extravaganza. Go ahead, give your console output the makeover it deserves and turn those logs into a rainbow coalition.
Just import 'chalk-pantone' and let the color games begin. From "Sassy Pink" to "Brooding Burgundy," make each console message a work of art.
Curious about how "Vibrant Orange" could brighten up your day? Check out these color samples and usage examples. It's like your terminal had a happy little accident with a Pantone chart.
Prepare for a spectrum overload. Your logs will never be the same.
And that's just the beginning. Once you've added Chalk-Pantone to your project, your terminal will be the hippest spot in your workspace.
Full List of Colours:
cardinalRed: '#C41E3A',
deepCerulean: '#007BA7',
electricLime: '#CCFF00',
fuchsiaRose: '#C74375',
goldenPoppy: '#FCC200',
heliotropePurple: '#DF73FF',
irisBlue: '#5A4FCF',
jadeGreen: '#00A86B',
kellyGreen: '#4CBB17',
lapisLazuli: '#26619C',
mardiGras: '#880085',
neonCarrot: '#FFA343',
operaMauve: '#B784A7',
persianBlue: '#1C39BB',
quinacridoneMagenta: '#8E3A59',
raspberryPink: '#E25098',
sapphireBlue: '#0F52BA',
tangerineYellow: '#FFCC00',
ultramarineBlue: '#3F00FF',
venetianRed: '#C80815',
wengeWood: '#645452',
xanaduGreen: '#738678',
yellowGreen: '#9ACD32',
zaffreBlue: '#0014A8',
amaranthPink: '#F19CBB',
byzantiumPurple: '#702963',
coquelicotOrange: '#FF3800',
dandelionYellow: '#F0E130',
emeraldGreen: '#50C878',
flaxFlowerBlue: '#1C3B2B',
ghostWhite: '#F8F8FF',
hollywoodCerise: '#F400A1',
indigoDye: '#00416A',
jasmineFlower: '#F8DE7E',
keppelColor: '#3AB09E',
libertyPurple: '#545AA7',
moonstoneBlue: '#73A9C2',
nadeshikoPink: '#F6ADC6',
outerSpaceBlack: '#414A4C',
persimmonOrange: '#EC5800',
quickSilver: '#A6A6A6',
razzmatazzPink: '#E3256B',
sunglowYellow: '#FFCC33',
twilightLavender: '#8A496B',
urobilinYellow: '#E1AD21',
violetColor: '#7F00FF',
waterspoutBlue: '#A4F4F9',
xanthicYellow: '#EEED09',
yaleBlue: '#0F4D92',
zompGreen: '#39A78E',
absoluteZero: '#0048BA',
acidGreen: '#B0BF1A',
aero: '#7CB9E8',
africanViolet: '#B284BE',
airSuperiorityBlue: '#72A0C1',
alabaster: '#EDEAE0',
aliceBlue: '#F0F8FF',
alloyOrange: '#C46210',
almond: '#EFDECD',
amaranth: '#E52B50',
amber: '#FFBF00',
amethyst: '#9966CC',
antiqueBrass: '#CD9575',
antiqueBronze: '#665D1E',
antiqueRuby: '#841B2D',
antiqueWhite: '#FAEBD7',
aoEnglish: '#008000',
appleGreen: '#8DB600',
apricot: '#FBCEB1',
aqua: '#00FFFF',
aquamarine: '#7FFFD4',
arcticLime: '#D0FF14',
armyGreen: '#4B5320',
artichoke: '#8F9779',
arylideYellow: '#E9D66B',
ashGray: '#B2BEB5',
asparagus: '#87A96B',
atomicTangerine: '#FF9966',
auburn: '#A52A2A',
aureolin: '#FDEE00',
avocado: '#568203',
azure: '#007FFF',
babyBlue: '#89CFF0',
babyBlueEyes: '#A1CAF1',
babyPink: '#F4C2C2',
babyPowder: '#FEFEFA',
bakerMillerPink: '#FF91AF',
bananaMania: '#FAE7B5',
barbiePink: '#DA1884',
barnRed: '#7C0A02',
battleshipGrey: '#848482',
bazaar: '#98777B',
beauBlue: '#BCD4E6',
beaver: '#9F8170',
begonia: '#FA6E79',
beige: '#F5F5DC',```