Auto configurations for Language Servers for vim-lsp.
Language Servers are not easy to install. Visual Studio Code provides easy ways to install and update Language Servers and Language Server Client. This plugin provides the same feature for Vim.
Using the vim-plug plugin manager:
Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
Plug 'mattn/vim-lsp-settings'
You need to install both vim-lsp and vim-lsp-settings.
While editing a file with a supported filetype:
To uninstall server:
:LspUninstallServer server-name
Because there is no way to update a server, please run :LspInstallServer
again, the newer version will be installed.
If you want to use auto-completion, you can use one of the following.
Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-lsp.vim'
Plug 'Shougo/ddc.vim'
Plug 'shun/ddc-vim-lsp'
This is where LSP servers are placed on your system after you download them with :LspInstallServer
If you define $XDG_DATA_HOME
You can change the directory to install servers by set g:lsp_settings_servers_dir
option in full path.
Language | Language Server | Installer | Local Install |
Apex/VisualForce | apex-jorje-lsp | Yes | Yes |
Astro | astro-ls | Yes | Yes |
Astro | biome | Yes | Yes |
Bash | bash-language-server | Yes | Yes |
C# | omnisharp | Yes | Yes |
C/C++ | clangd | Yes | Yes |
COBOL | cobol-language-support | Yes | Yes |
CSS | css-languageserver | Yes | Yes |
CSS | tailwindcss-intellisense | Yes | Yes |
Clojure | clojure-lsp | Yes | Yes |
Clojure | clj-kondo-lsp | Yes | Yes |
Cmake | cmake-language-server | Yes | Yes |
D | dls | Yes | No |
D | serve-d | Yes | No |
Dart | analysis-server-dart-snapshot | Yes | Yes |
Dockerfile | dockerfile-language-server-nodejs | Yes | Yes |
Dot | dot-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Elixir | elixir-ls | Yes | Yes |
Elm | elm-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Erlang | erlang-ls | Yes | Yes |
F# | fsautocomplete | Yes | Yes |
F# | fsharp-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Fortran | fortls | Yes | Yes |
Go | gopls | Yes | Yes |
Go | golangci-lint-langserver | Yes | Yes |
GraphQL | graphql-language-service-cli | Yes | Yes |
GraphQL | gql-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Groovy | groovy-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Haskell | haskell-ide-engine | No | No |
Haskell | haskell-language-server | No | No |
Helm | helm-ls | Yes | Yes |
HTML | html-languageserver | Yes | Yes |
HTML | angular-language-server | Yes | Yes |
HTML | tailwindcss-intellisense | Yes | Yes |
Hy | hyuga | Yes | No |
JSON | json-languageserver | Yes | Yes |
JSON | rome | Yes | Yes |
JSON | biome | Yes | Yes |
Jsonnet | jsonnet-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Java | eclipse-jdt-ls | Yes | Yes |
Java | java-language-server | No | Yes |
JavaScript | typescript-language-server | Yes | Yes |
JavaScript | vtsls | Yes | Yes |
JavaScript | javascript-typescript-stdio | Yes | Yes |
JavaScript | rome | Yes | Yes |
JavaScript | flow | Yes | Yes |
JavaScript | eslint-language-server | Yes | Yes |
JavaScript | biome | Yes | Yes |
Julia | LanguageServer.jl | Yes | No |
Kotlin | kotlin-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Lisp | cl-lsp | Yes | No |
Lua | emmylua-ls | Yes | Yes |
Lua | sumneko-lua-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Markdown (remark) | remark-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Markdown | Marksman | Yes | Yes |
Nim | nimls | No | No |
Nix | nixd | Yes | Yes |
Nix | nil | Yes | Yes |
PHP | intelephense | Yes | Yes |
PHP | psalm-language-server | Yes | Yes |
OCaml | ocaml-lsp | UNIX Only | Yes |
Protobuf | bufls | Yes | Yes |
Puppet | puppet-languageserver | Yes | Yes |
PureScript | purescript-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Python | pyls-all (pyls with dependencies) | Yes | Yes |
Python | pyls (pyls without dependencies) | Yes | Yes |
Python | pyls-ms (Microsoft Version) | Yes | Yes |
Python | jedi-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Python | pyright-langserver | Yes | Yes |
Python | pylsp-all (pylsp with dependencies) | Yes | Yes |
Python | pylsp (pylsp without dependencies) | Yes | Yes |
Python | pylyzer | Yes | Yes |
Python | ruff | Yes | Yes |
Python | ruff-lsp | Yes | Yes |
Prisma | prisma-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Qml | qmlls | Yes | Yes |
R | languageserver | Yes | No |
Racket | racket-lsp | Yes | No |
Reason | reason-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Ruby | ruby-lsp | UNIX Only | Yes |
Ruby | solargraph | Yes | Yes |
Ruby | steep | Yes | Yes |
Ruby | typeprof | Yes | Yes |
Ruby | rubocop (lsp mode) | Yes | No |
Ruby | sorbet | Yes | No |
Rust | rls | Yes | No |
Rust | rust-analyzer | Yes | Yes |
Sphinx | esbonio | Yes | Yes |
SQL | sql-language-server | Yes | Yes |
SQL | sqls | Yes | Yes |
SQL | plpgsql-server | UNIX Only | Yes |
Starlark | starpls | Yes | Yes |
Scala | Metals | Yes | Yes |
Svelte | svelte-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Svelte | tailwindcss-intellisense | Yes | Yes |
Svelte | biome | Yes | Yes |
Swift | sourcekit-lsp | Yes | No |
SystemVerilog | verible-verilog-ls | UNIX Only | Yes |
SystemVerilog | svls | Yes | Yes |
TeX | texlab | Yes | Yes |
TeX | digestif | Yes | No |
Terraform | terraform-lsp | Yes | Yes |
Terraform | terraform-ls | Yes | Yes |
TOML | taplo-lsp | No | Yes |
TTCN-3 | ntt | Yes | Yes |
TypeScript | typescript-language-server | Yes | Yes |
TypeScript | vtsls | Yes | Yes |
TypeScript | deno | Yes | Yes |
TypeScript | rome | Yes | Yes |
TypeScript | eslint-language-server | Yes | Yes |
TypeScript | biome | Yes | Yes |
Typst | typst-lsp | Yes | Yes |
Typst | tinymist | Yes | Yes |
Vim | vim-language-server | Yes | Yes |
Vala | vala-language-server | No | No |
Verilog | verible-verilog-ls | UNIX Only | Yes |
Veryl | veryl-ls | Yes | Yes |
Vue | volar-server (Vue Language Tools) | Yes | Yes |
Vue | vls | Yes | Yes |
Vue | biome | Yes | Yes |
V | v-analyzer | Yes | Yes |
V | vlang-vls | Yes | Yes |
XML | lemminx | Yes | Yes |
YAML | yaml-language-server | Yes | Yes |
YAML | aws-lsp-yaml | Yes | Yes |
YANG | yang-lsp | Yes | Yes |
ZIG | zls | Yes | Yes |
* | efm-langserver | Yes | Yes |
* | typos-lsp | Yes | Yes |
There is a Linux OS/version that does not run the locally installed clangd
due to zlib version mismatch. If you want to use clangd
, please install clangd
on your system.
If you installed rls
already, you can use rls
without configurations. But if you have not installed rls
yet, you can install it by following these instructions.
If you want to configure many of the rust-analyzer
options, you need
to you insert a initialization_options
dictionary between rust-analyzer
subdictionaries (cargo
, completion
, procMacro
, etc.) in your
"rust-analyzer": {
"initialization_options": {
"server.extraEnv": {
"cargo": {
"target": "aarch64-apple-ios-sim"
"completion": { "autoimport": {"enable": false } },
"procMacro": { "enable": true }
Extension Name | Status |
initializationOptions | âť“ |
Snippet TextEdit | ❌ |
CodeAction Groups | ❌ |
Parent Module | ❌ |
Join Lines | ✔️ |
On Enter | ❌ |
Structural Search Replace (SSR) | ❌ |
Matching Brace | ✔️ |
Runnables | ❌ |
Test explorer | ❌ |
Open External Documentation | ✔️ |
Analyzer Status | ✔️ |
Reload Workspace | ✔️ |
Rebuild proc-macros | ❌ |
Unindexed Project | ❌ |
Server Status | ❌ |
Syntax Tree | ❌ |
View Hir | ❌ |
View Mir | ❌ |
Interpret Function | ❌ |
View File Text | ❌ |
View ItemTree | ❌ |
View Crate Graph | ❌ |
Shuffle Crate Graph | ❌ |
Expand Macro | ✔️ |
Hover Actions | ❌ |
Open Cargo.toml | ✔️ |
Related tests | ❌ |
Hover Range | ❌ |
Move Item | ❌ |
Workspace Symbols Filtering | ❌ |
Client Commands | ❌ |
Colored Diagnostic Output | ❌ |
Dependency Tree | ❌ |
View Recursive Memory Layout | ❌ |
To use deno, deno.json(c)
should located on the project directory or traversing the filesystem upwards.
If deno.json
does not located, node_modules
should not located on the project directory or traversing the filesystem upwards.
When editing Node projects, the following warning message is shown.
server "deno" is disabled since "node_modules" is found
If you want to disable warning message, you may put .vim-lsp-settings/settings.json
in your project root directory.
"deno": {
"disabled": true
To use importMap, default file name is import_map.json
If you don't want to use import_map.json
, you may put .vim-lsp-settings/settings.json
in your project root directory and set importMap whatever you want.
"deno": {
"initialization_options": {
"enable": true,
"lint": true,
"unstable": true,
"importMap": "your_own_import_map.json"
Recommend to add let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['ts=typescript']
to your
vimrc for hover(preview) Deno's library.
Note that deno
language server is specified.
let g:lsp_settings_filetype_typescript = ['typescript-language-server', 'eslint-language-server', 'deno']
To use flow, the .flowconfig
has to be located on the top of project directory.
To use graphql-language-service-cli, the GraphQL Config has to be located on the top of project directory. The schema must be pointed to the schema file correctly.
"schema": "./schema.graphql"
To use gql-language-server, the .gqlconfig
has to be located on the top of project directory. The schema must be pointed to the schema file correctly.
schema: {
files: 'path/to/schema.graphql'
Finally, you have to install @playlyfe/gql
into your project.
$ npm install @playlyfe/gql --save-dev
dart analysis server (Dart)
If you have a separate existing installation of the dart analysis server and want it to be used, it must either exist in your path, or you must specify its location. See 'Configurations' below.
haskell ide engine (Haskell)
If you installed hie
with stack, you can use hie without configurations.
But if you have not installed hie
yet, you can install it by following these steps.
To use older version golangci-lint
, please run :LspSettingsGlobalEdit
and put bellow configuration.
"golangci-lint-langserver": {
"initialization_options": {
"command": [
"golangci-lint", "run", "--enable-all", "--disable", "lll", "--out-format", "json"
To resolve issue about proper '-jvm-target' (INLINE_FROM_HIGHER_PLATFORM) read more
let g:lsp_settings = {
\ 'kotlin-language-server': {
\ 'workspace_config': {
\ 'kotlin': {'compiler': {'jvm': {'target': '17'}}}
\ }
\ }
To use the language server you need a .qmlls.ini, which can be generated automatically. Additionally, you have to configure your the qml include directories from the qt install root.
let g:lsp_settings = {
\ 'qmlls': {
\ 'args': ['-I', '[QTROOT]/qml'],
\ },
By default, the qmlls server will search the QML_IMPORT PATH (-E option).
To use rubocop-lsp-mode, you need to install rubocop in your Ruby project using bundler.
To use sorbet, you need to install rubocop in your Ruby project using bundler. Also, Watchman is required to watch file changes. For more details, please see Sorbet and Watchman documentations.
To enable full Vue support, both typescript-language-server
and volar-server
should be installed and enabled in vue
let g:lsp_settings_filetype_vue = ['typescript-language-server', 'volar-server']
Most of the configurations are not required.
If you installed clangd
already, you can use clangd
for C/C++ without any configuration. But if you installed clang
with the name clangd-6.0
, you can replace executable with the following config:
let g:lsp_settings = {
\ 'clangd': {'cmd': ['clangd-6.0']},
\ 'efm-langserver': {'disabled': v:false}
Or put .vim-lsp-settings/settings.json
in your project root directory.
"clangd": {
"cmd": ["clangd-6.0"]
"efm-langserver": {
"disabled": false
If you already have the dart analysis server installed but it is not in your path, you can still configure the settings to use it. Use the vimscript below to change the command to start the server. Note the command has two parts: the path to your 'dart' executable, and a subcommand 'language-server.
let g:lsp_settings = {
\ 'analysis-server-dart-snapshot': {
\ 'cmd': [
\ '/path/to/your/dart-sdk/bin/dart',
\ 'language-server'
\ ],
\ },
\ }
To edit the project local settings.json
, do :LspSettingsLocalEdit
Overridable keys are:
- cmd (List ex:
['clangd-6.0', '-enable-snippets']
) - initialization_options (Dictionary)
- allowlist (List)
- blocklist (List)
- config (Dictionary)
- workspace_config (Dictionary)
- disabled (Boolean)
- root_uri (String)
- root_uri_patterns (List)
- semantic_highlight (Dictionary)
If you have some Language Servers and want to use specified the server:
let g:lsp_settings_filetype_perl = 'slp'
let g:lsp_settings_filetype_html = ['html-languageserver', 'angular-language-server']
let g:lsp_settings_filetype_typescript = ['typescript-language-server', 'eslint-language-server']
When the servers are specified in a list, these will all be started.
If you want to configure Language Server to use flake8
rather than pycodestyle
the following can be added to your ~/.vimrc
Note that pylsp-all
was the automatically registered server name. Check with :LspStatus
let g:lsp_settings = {
\ 'pylsp-all': {
\ 'workspace_config': {
\ 'pylsp': {
\ 'configurationSources': ['flake8']
\ }
\ }
\ },
If you want to disable a Language Server:
let g:lsp_settings = {
\ 'perl-languageserver': {
\ 'disabled': 1,
\ }
When resolving the root directory for a language server, this plugin will look
for directories containing special root markers defined in g:lsp_settings_root_markers
By default, this is set to:
let g:lsp_settings_root_markers = [
\ '.git',
\ '.git/',
\ '.svn',
\ '.hg',
\ '.bzr'
\ ]
If you need to specify alternative root markers:
let g:lsp_settings_root_markers = ['.projections.json', '.git', '.git/']
This would look for a custom .projections.json
, a git submodule .git
or a git root
starting from the current directory upwards.
Yasuhiro Matsumoto (a.k.a. mattn)