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FEBULIA CI Documentation

Exponential polynomials

Not unlike Polynomials.jl, we represent exponential-polynomial functions in an abstract way.

For instance, the function $X\longrightarrow e^{\frac{X}{2}}(X^4 + 2X^2 + 3)$ is represented with the object PolyExp, and it is instanced with

p1 = PolyExp(4,[1.0; 0.0; 2.0; 0.0; 3.0],1/2)

The argument of PolyExp are 1) the order of the polynomial, 2) a vector of coefficient in decreasing degree order, and 3) the exponential coefficient. Two PolyExp object can be multiplied *(::PolyExp,::PolyExp) and compared ==(::PolyExp,::PolyExp).

The exponential-polynomial can be evaluated with evalPolyExp. The following code plots p1 in the interval $[-40,2.5]$

using PyPlot
rc("text", usetex=true)

p1 = PolyExp(4,[1.0; 0.0; 2.0; 0.0; 3.0],0.5)
Xplot = collect(-40.0:0.01:2.5)
axP = subplot(111)
tight_layout(pad=0.5, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=0.5)
axP.annotate("\$P_1(X) = e^{\\frac{X}{2}}\\left(X^4+2X^2+3\\right)\$", xy=(3, 1),  xycoords="axes fraction", xytext=(0.2, 0.7), textcoords="axes fraction", color="black",fontsize=14)


Basis function generation

Basis function can be created from PolyExp objects. For instance, a piecewise linear basis can be generated with basis_PE_BC from the code

# discretization nodes
x0         = 0.0
xend       = 1.0π
Ndisc      = 200
X_nodes    = collect(LinRange(x0,xend,Ndisc))
# polynomials
p1_lin     = PolyExp(1,[1.0; 0.0],0.0)
p2_lin     = PolyExp(1,[1.0; 0.0],0.0)
# boundary conditions
ul = 1.0
uu = 1.0
BC = BoundCond1D("Dirichlet","Dirichlet",X_nodes[1],X_nodes[end];lowBC=ul,upBC=uu)
# basis function
B_decomp   = basis_PE_BC(X_nodes,p1_lin,p2_lin,BC)

The generation of the basis function requires two PolyExp object, one for the first part of the inteval $[x_{j-1},x_j)$ and the other for the second interval $[x_j,x_{j+1})$. For each interval where the $j^{\text{th}}$ function is defined, the generator PolyExp objects are shifted and the local $j^{\text{th}}$ PolyExp is given by $P_j(X)=P(\frac{X-x_{j-1}}{x_{j}-x_{j-1}})$ over $[x_{j-1},x_j)$ and $P_j(X)=P(\frac{x_{j+1}-X}{x_{j+1}-x_{j}})$ over $[x_j,x_{j+1})$. The shifts are computed with shift_PolyExp.

The derivative of the functions may be symbolically computed with deriv

B_decomp_d = deriv(B_decomp)

and produce the exact derivatives using the corresponding PolyExp objects.

The following figure show an example of basis functions and their derivatives in the linear and quadratic cases. The generative polynomial for the quadratic basis functions are $p_1(X) = -X^2 +2X$ and $p_2(X) = X^2$.


Example for FEM: Diffusion equation

Suppose that you want to solve a diffusion equation for the quantity $u(x,t)$ using FEM. For instance, the equation can be:

$$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(D(x)\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right) + f(x,t),\qquad\qquad \forall x\in[x_{\text{min}},x_{\text{max}}], t \geqslant 0$$

with bondary conditions

$$\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(x_{\text{min}}) = \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(x_{\text{max}}) = 0$$

and initial state

$$u(x,0) = u_0(x)$$

The diffusion coefficient $D(x)$ [m $^2$ s $^{-1}$] may depend on the position and the forcing term $f(x,t)$ [s $^{-1}$] may depend on the position and time.

The weak form of the PDE with the test function $\varphi_j\in B_{\text{test}}$ is

$$\int_{x_{\text{min}}}^{x_{\text{max}}} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x,t) \varphi_j(x)\text{d}x = \int_{x_{\text{min}}}^{x_{\text{max}}} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(D(x)\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right) \varphi_j(x)\text{d}x + \int_{x_{\text{min}}}^{x_{\text{max}}} f(x,t) \varphi_j(x)\text{d}x$$

Let $B_{\text{decomp}} = (e_n)_{1\leqslant n\leqslant N}$ be the decomposition basis with $N$ functions used to project the solution onto, then we can write the diffusing quantity and the parameters as

$$u_{\text{proj}}(x,t) = \underset{n=1}{\overset{N}{\sum}} u_n(t)e_n(x),\quad D_{\text{proj}}(x) = \underset{n=1}{\overset{N}{\sum}} d_n e_n(x),\quad \text{and}\quad f_{\text{proj}}(x,t) = \underset{n=1}{\overset{N}{\sum}} f_n(t)e_n(x)$$

Using this decomposition with the weak form leads to a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that we write in the matrix form:

$$M\frac{\text{d}u}{\text{d}t} = \begin{bmatrix}D^t L^{(1)}\\D^t L^{(2)}\\ \vdots \\ D^t L^{(N)}\end{bmatrix} u + Mf = S(D) u + Mf$$

where $u = [u_1(t),u_2(t) \ldots u_N(t)]$, $D = [d_1,d_2 \ldots d_N]$ and $f = [f_1(t),f_2(t) \ldots f_N(t)]$. The FEM matrices $M$ (mass) and $(L^{(j)})_{1\leqslant j \leqslant N}$ (stiffness) have entries defined by

$$\begin{align} M_{j,n} &= \int_{x_{\text{min}}}^{x_{\text{max}}} e_n(x)\varphi_j(x)\text{d}x,\\\ L_{m,n}^j &= \int_{x_{\text{min}}}^{x_{\text{max}}} \frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}x}\left(e_m(x)\frac{\text{d}e_n}{\text{d}x}\right)\varphi_j(x)\text{d}x = \left[ e_m(x)\frac{\text{d}e_n}{\text{d}x}(x)\varphi_j(x) \right]_{x_{\text{min}}}^{x_{\text{max}}} - \int_{x_{\text{min}}}^{x_{\text{max}}} e_m(x)\frac{\text{d}e_n}{\text{d}x} \frac{\text{d}\varphi_j}{\text{d}x}(x)\text{d}x \end{align}$$

From this formulation it is possible to deal with the boundary conditions. The problem is set with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, i.e. $\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(x_{\min})=0$ and $\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(x_{\max})=0$. In the formulation of the matrix element, derivatives appear. The derivative of the $n^{\text{th}}$ function of the diffusing quatity $u$ is evaluated in $x_{\min}$ and $x_{\max}$, hence, with a proper choice of decomposition and test basis, the matrix element $L_{1,1}^1$ will be used for the lower boundary condition, and $L_{N,N}^N$ for the upper one.

For the sake of simplicity, in the following, we choose a test function basis $B_{\text{test}}$ with the same number of function as the decomposition basis $B_{\text{decomp}}$. This means that $M$ and $S(D)$ are square matrices. From here, the system of ODE can be solved using an explicit Euler integration scheme (not the best choice, but it works well enough for this example)

$$\begin{cases} u(0) = u_0\\\ u(t+\Delta t) = u(t) + \Delta t \left(M^{-1}S(D)u(t) + f(t)\right) = \left(I + \Delta t M^{-1}S(D)\right) u(t) + f(t) \end{cases}$$

Note that for this scheme to not diverge, the time step $\Delta t$ must meet the condition $\Delta < \underset{n\in[[1,N]]}{\max}\left\lbrace-2\frac{\mathcal{Re}(\lambda_n)}{|\lambda_n|^2}\right\rbrace$, where $(\lambda_n)_{1\leqslant n \leqslant N}$ is the set of eigen values of the stiffness matrix $S(D)$.

For the numerical resolution of the diffusion equation, the following FEBULIA tools will be used:

  • BoundCond1D: boundary condition object with Neumann boundary conditions at each end of the interval
  • basis_PE: basis with linear and quadratic functions
  • PolyExp: exponential-polynomial representation of the generator of the basis functions (generator exponential-polynomials for the decomposition basis $p_1(X) = p_2(X) = X$, and test function $p_1(X) = -X^2 +2X$ and $p_2(X) = X^2$)
  • integrate: for computing the matrix elements (it is an exact integration that relies on the exponential-polynomial representation, not a numerical integration)

The matrix elements are computed with the functions mj_PE and qk_PE using integrate

function mj_PE(j::Int64,i::Int64,E::basis_PE,B::basis_PE)
    val = 0.0
    # E[j] # test
    # B[i] # decomposition
    if (i==j)
        val = integrate(B.p1[i]*E.p1[j],B.xl[i],B.xm[i]) + integrate(B.p2[i]*E.p2[j],B.xm[i],B.xu[i]);
    elseif ((i+1)==j) # e.g. j=5 and i=4
        val = integrate(B.p2[i]*E.p1[j],B.xm[i],B.xu[i])
    elseif ((i-1)==j)
        val = integrate(B.p1[i]*E.p2[j],B.xl[i],B.xm[i])
        val = 0.0

function qk_PE(j::Int64,l::Int64,k::Int64,E::basis_PE,B1::basis_PE,B2::basis_PE) # projection line, line, column, projection basis, decomposition basis 1, decomposition basis 2
    val = 0.0
    if ((l==j) & (k==j))
        val = integrate(B1.p1[l]*B2.p1[k]*E.p1[j],E.xl[j],E.xm[j]) + integrate(B1.p2[l]*B2.p2[k]*E.p2[j],E.xm[j],E.xu[j])
    elseif ((l==j) & (k==(j+1)))
        val = integrate(B1.p2[l]*B2.p1[k]*E.p2[j],E.xm[j],E.xu[j])
    elseif ((l==j) & (k==(j-1)))
        val = integrate(B1.p1[l]*B2.p2[k]*E.p1[j],E.xl[j],E.xm[j])
    elseif ((l==(j+1)) & (k==j))
        val = integrate(B1.p1[l]*B2.p2[k]*E.p2[j],E.xm[j],E.xu[j])
    elseif ((l==(j-1)) & (k==j))
        val = integrate(B1.p2[l]*B2.p1[k]*E.p1[j],E.xl[j],E.xm[j])
    elseif ((l==(j+1)) & (k==(j+1)))
        val = integrate(B1.p1[l]*B2.p1[k]*E.p2[j],E.xm[j],E.xu[j])
    elseif ((l==(j+1)) & (k==(j-1)))
        val = 0.0
    elseif ((l==(j-1)) & (k==(j+1)))
        val = 0.0
    elseif ((l==(j-1)) & (k==(j-1)))
        val = integrate(B1.p2[l]*B2.p2[k]*E.p1[j],E.xl[j],E.xm[j]) 
        val = 0.0

Finally, the following figure is generated with diffusion_1D.jl.


The diffusing quantity $u$ is plot in panel a) as a contour plot with time on the abscissa and $x$ on the ordinate. The color code for the intensity of $u$. The source term for $t>30 [\min]$ is plotted in panl b).


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