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Application layer for crazyswarm2 (using a mission managed with path planning and april tag relocalization)

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Crazyswarm application layer, which provides a path planning layer to reach desired setpoints, apriltag detection for relocalization to global map and static and reciprocal avoidance and on-user commands. Also included capability, to "allocate" themselves to targets as seen below.

  • This package was tested on ROS-Galactic Ubuntu 20.04.

Simulation Example


Real Life Relocalization Example


Obstacles simple polygon generation

Perspective1 Perspective2
sample sample

Important Dependencies

  1. [For relocalization] gtsam at using version 4.1.1
  2. [For reciprocal avoidance] kdtree to organize agents into a kdtree
  3. [For reciprocal avoidance] orca has been taken from agent.c and agent.hand heavily modified to work with this module (making it more of a standalone)
  4. [For static avoidance] 3dvg for visibility graph planning in structured environment
  5. [Crazyflie firmware for mellinger velocity control] crazyflie-firmware at my fork
  6. The rest of the additional modules below are forks since there are modifications I have done to make them work with this module

Environment Setup and Compilation

  1. Create workspace
cd <to-your-preferred-directory>
mkdir -p crazyswarm2_ws/src
cd <to-your-preferred-directory>/crazyswarm2_ws/src

# git clone these 6 repositories
git clone --branch crazyflie
git clone --branch crazyflie
git clone --branch crazyflie --recursive
# The motion_capture tracking has been removed, since we only need the external pose message to link up with crazyswarm2 interface
# git clone --branch ros2 --recursive
git clone --recursive
git clone
  1. Install Apriltag dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y \
ros-galactic-apriltag \
libboost-program-options-dev \
pip3 install rowan
  1. Install gtsam from source
#install gtsam
cd <to-your-preferred-directory>
git clone
cd gtsam && git checkout 4.1.1
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
# from here you can add the path into the library path
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# or you can add it into .bashrc
  1. Compile and source
  • Be warned to deactivate conda env if applicable before colcon build
# Using your ROS2 Distribution
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
# build
cd <location-of-crazyswarm2_ws>
# build the crazyswarm environment
colcon build --symlink-install
# source the bash file
source install/setup.bash

Further Information/Help About the Package

Mission Files

For mission files, there are various missions sample files that are in launch/mission/*, they are in yaml format and more information can be seen in launch/config.yaml.

Launching ros2 launch crazyswarm_application will load the files after you have compiled and you can choose it as an input

user@user:~/crazyswarm2_ws$ ros2 launch crazyswarm_application
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
0 .  1_agent_high.yaml
1 .  takeoff_land.yaml
2 .  1_agent_move.yaml
3 .  sample.yaml
4 .  empty.yaml
5 .  sample1.yaml
6 .  3_agent_orca.yaml
7 .  3_agent_orca_eliminate.yaml
What is your mission file?
Mission chosen is takeoff_land.yaml


An environment consists of 2 things, obstacles and april tags, which can be used for relocalization and other task depending on usage. To create an environment:

  1. Add in a custom environment file in launch/environment (you can take reference to the samples
  2. In config.yaml add in the yaml name in environment_file parameter


There will need to be 4 terminals at least, to launch all the relevant packages

# 1. Launch crazyswarm server
ros2 launch crazyflie rviz:=none # Real
# or
ros2 launch crazyflie backend:=sim rviz:=none # Simulation

# 2. Launch main crazyswarm_application server
ros2 launch crazyswarm_application sim:=true # main handler node for simulation
# or
ros2 launch crazyswarm_application # main handler node for real

# 3. Launch crazyswarm_application mission file
ros2 launch crazyswarm_application # start mission

# 4. Launch crazyswarm_application visualization
ros2 launch crazyswarm_application # visualization

For real life application, to activate the relocalization portion of this repository, apriltag_ros will have to be activated, this can be seen in under the camera_node and tag_node.

Mission Node

The mission node will evaluate the mission files that are represented by the command sequence, and the following elaborates the mission structure and content

# Example command will be like this 
command_sequence: [
  "[1]", "[2]", "[3]", "[4]", "[5]"]
# command_sequence index
# [1] command:
#   1. takeoff = Taking off sequence
#   2. hold = Wait for certain time
#   3. goto = Move to location
#   4. goto_velocity = Move to location with velocity control
#   5. external = Wait for external command
#   6. land = Landing sequence

# [2] to wait before the next command:
#   1. conc = Go to the next command without waiting for this
#   2. wait = Wait for this command

# [3] drone number involved
#   1. "all"
#   2. "cfX" = split the cfs by underscore etc "cf1_cf2_cf3"

# [4] duration (only applicable to hold) in ms, if nothing leave empty ""

# [5] pose in XYZ "1 1 1", if nothing leave empty ""

For running external modules please refer to launch/mission/external_sample.yaml where the example command sequence is shown below, a timeout period is given, so that if there is no command given during a timeframe, it will be considered completed and move on to the next mission in the list

"external", "wait", "cf1", "", ""


Some test commands without crazyswarm_application

# to give a single drone go to service call without using the node
ros2 service call '/cf1/go_to' \
'crazyflie_interfaces/srv/GoTo' \
'{group_mask: 0, relative: false, goal: {x: 5, y: 1, z: 1}, yaw: 0.707, duration: {sec: 2.0, nanosec: 0}}'

# to give a single drone go to velocity service call without using the node
ros2 topic pub -r 10 '/cf1/cmd_vel_legacy' \
'crazyflie_interfaces/msg/VelocityWorld' \
'{header: {stamp: {sec: 0, nanosec: 0}, frame_id: ''}, vel: {x: 0.2, y: 0.2, z: 0.0}, yaw_rate: 0.0}'

# to give a takeoff all service call without using the node
ros2 service call '/all/takeoff' \
'crazyflie_interfaces/srv/Takeoff' \
'{group_mask: 0, height: 1.0, duration: {sec: 2.0, nanosec: 0}}'

# to give a land all service call without using the node
ros2 service call '/all/land' \
'crazyflie_interfaces/srv/Land' \
'{group_mask: 0, height: 0.0, duration: {sec: 2.0, nanosec: 0}}'

# give takeoff all command
ros2 topic pub /user crazyswarm_application/msg/UserCommand \
'{cmd: 'takeoff_all', uav_id: [], goal: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, yaw: 0.0}' --once

# give land all command
ros2 topic pub /user crazyswarm_application/msg/UserCommand \
'{cmd: 'land_all', uav_id: [], goal: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, yaw: 0.0}' --once

# give go_to command
ros2 topic pub /user crazyswarm_application/msg/UserCommand \
'{cmd: 'goto', uav_id: ['cf1'], goal: {x: 5.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.0}, yaw: 0.707}' --once

# give go_to command
ros2 topic pub /user crazyswarm_application/msg/UserCommand \
'{cmd: 'goto', uav_id: ['cf1', 'cf2', 'cf3'], goal: {x: 5.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.0}, yaw: 0.707}' --once


Application layer for crazyswarm2 (using a mission managed with path planning and april tag relocalization)






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