Owner 1.0.11 Released (please skip this version)
164 commits
to master
since this release
OWNER v1.0.11 contains following enhancements and bug fixes.
Please note that this version does have a concurrency
bug #268, #266.
Please upgrade to v1.0.12.
- #234: Allowing to format Key value by method arguments as
with DefaultValue. - #255: Solves the thread contention problem reported on Issue #254;
Note this has partially been rolled backed in 1.0.12 due to bugs #268
and #266. - 64a7c07:
Updated dependencies to work with Java 11 LTS.
Site Enhancements
- #247: Documentation for system:properties and system:env.
- Fixed Sonar and
Travis; but still it looks that
Coveralls has issue to lik source files, I have to look into it. - #274:
Documentation for system:properties and system:env, Update importing-properties.md. - #246: Fixed doc typos & errors and improved readability.
- #242: FAQ broken link.
- #224: Adding some documentation for bug
#184 (Maps with null values cause an unclear exception). - Fixed Javadocs.
- Updated documentation.
Bugs fixes
- 2479d47: decryption not working when used in combination with variable substitution
- 0b2d209: removed [double check locking] anti pattern.
- #227: Fixes properties issue in loading file URLs.
- #239: Allow property values to contain a '%' character without being a format string.
- #203, #241:
ConcurrentModificationException on creating Config. - #226, #227:
Empty system variables for file paths in @sources cause URISyntaxException failures.
Fixes properties issue in loading file URLs.