Welcome to Myddleware community and thanks for joining us !
Myddleware 2.1 is the customisable free open-source platform that facilitates data migration and synchonisation between applications.
On our community website, you’ll find everything you’re looking for to master Myddleware, from step-by-step tutorials, to English and French forums. You can also tailor Myddleware to your needs by creating you custom code. Please use our github to share it.
This community is ours : let’s all contribute, make it a friendly, helpful space where we can all find what we’re looking for!
Please don’t hide any precious skills from us, whether it is coding, translation, connectors creation, .... the list goes on! The whole community could then benefit from these!
Applications connected : SAP CRM, SuiteCRM, Prestashop, Bittle, Dolist, Salesforce, SugarCRM, Mailchimp, Magento, Sage CRM, Moodle, Evetbrite, ERPNext. We also connect File via ftp and Database.
Find us here : www.myddleware.com
We created it, you own it!
- Docker 18 o superiore
- Docker Compose 1.17 o superiore
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps
Vtiger1: admin/admin Vtiger2: admin/admin
docker-compose run --rm myddleware php composer.phar install --ignore-platform-reqs --no-scripts
docker-compose run --rm myddleware php composer.phar run-script post-install-cmd
docker-compose run --rm myddleware ./prepare-database.sh
Myddleware: admin/admin
linux: sudo chmod 777 -R var/cache var/logs
macos: find var/cache -type d -exec sudo chmod 0777 {} +
find var/logs -type d -exec sudo chmod 0777 {} +
sudo rm -fr var/cache/*
sudo rm -rf vendor && composer update -v --ignore-platform-reqs --no-scripts
docker-compose run --rm myddleware php composer.phar run-script post-install-cmd