Qubik is a project for turning your Linux server into a hypervisor and running virtual machines. Written in bash scripting for controlling virtual machines and Django framework for providing the user with a remote management web application. This project incorporates open source virtualization technologies such as libvirt, qemu, and KVM. It's been inspired by other cloud hypervisors like Digital Ocean.
- Turn your Linux server into a Hypervisor and manage virtual machines from your browser.
- Create, run, stop and delete virtual machine from your web browser.
- Run Debian and Alpine Linux virtual machines from the Qubik web hypervisor.
- Resources monitoring for the hypervisor like as CPU, Memory and Disks usage.
- Resources monitoring for vm like as CPU, Memory and Disks usage.
- Automatic application deployment.
- At the moment, new functionalities are creating 🚀 ...
Technology | Description | Version |
Python | The main programming language for this project. | 3.9.2 |
Django | Web development framework. | 3.2.16 |
TypeScript | Is a typed superset of JavaScript, used for frontend. | 5.1.6 |
Go | Efficiency and concurrency, used to implement resource monitor. | 1.19.10 |
Gunicorn | HTTP WSGI server for Python. | 21.2.0 |
Uvicorn | ASGI server that allows running Python web applications asynchronously. | 0.23.2 |
Bash | Used on operating systems for task automation. | 5.1.4 |
Libvirt | An API and toolset for managing virtual machines. | 7.0 |
QEMU | An open-source emulator and virtualizer. | 5.2.0 |
KVM | A kernel module in Linux that provides virtualization capabilities for running virtual machines. | 5.2.0 |
The architecture of this hypervisor is configured in different layers. It starts with an application layer where a frontend connects with a backend. Then, the layers below the backend/Django correspond to the management of virtual machines and some automation tasks for their configuration.
Clone this repository: To clone the repository to your local machine, open the terminal and navigate to the directory where you want the repository to be cloned, and run the following command:
$ mkdir hypervisor
$ cd hypervidor
$ git clone https://github.com/mattMbz/qubik-hypervisor
# Now we'll install Qubik Hypervisor:
$ cd setup/
$ ./install.sh
# Now we'll install python dependences:
$ cd applications/web/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This will download the entire repository to your local machine.
Download as a ZIP file: If you don't want to clone the entire repository or don't have access to Git on your system, you can download it as a ZIP file. To do this, go to the repository page on GitHub, click the green "Code" button, and then select "Download ZIP". This will download a ZIP file of the repository to your computer.
$ unzip example.zip -d /path/to/extract/hypervisor #folder
$ cd hypervisor
# Now we'll install Qubik Hypervisor:
$ cd setup/
$ ./install.sh
# Now we'll install python dependences:
$ cd applications/web/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This will download the entire repository to your local machine.
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Feel free to reach out to me through any of the following channels:
- Email: matias.mbz@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattmbz/
- GitHub: https://github.com/mattMbz