#General Configuration
##Plugin Configuration
outFileName=cms.string("out.pxlio"), #output file name
process=cms.string("Wjets"), #name of the process for pxl::Event
process=cms.string(*"..."*), #store all events from this process, eg. PAT
paths=cms.vstring(*"..."*), #store all events passing this path of the process, eg. p0
##Configure the collection to convert A new converter will be created through an edm.PSet within the plugin configuration:
newCollection = cms.PSet(
type=cms.string("..."), #*(required)* name of the converter, see below for supported types
*... further configuration ...*
General configuration fields for all collection converters are:
srcs= edm.VInputTag(*edm.InputTag("..."),...*), #*(required)* the input tags of the collections
names=cms.vstring(*...*), #*(optional)* names of the objects (if only one is given, same name will be used for all collections in *srcs*.
targetEventViews=cms.vstring(*...*), #*(optional)* names of the pxl::EventView (if only one is given, same name will be used for all collections in *srcs*.
##Configure the individual class to convert In addition to the above, pxl::UserRecords can be stored via StringObjectFunction, eg.:
abseta=cms.string("abs(eta)") #stores |eta| value of all objects as pxl::UserRecord "abseta"
Also, stored objects can be filtered by specifing a selection string via StringCutObjectSelector, eg.:
select=cms.string("pt>10") #selects only objects with *pt > 10 GeV*
#Converters ##GenJet2Pxlio ##GenParticle2Pxlio Additional optional configurations
GenEventInfo=cms.InputTag(*...*), #stores generator information: eg.: Q-scale, PDF,...
LHEEvent=cms.InputTag(*...*), #accesses new LHEv2 event weights for systematics
useNameDB=cms.bool(*...*), #(default=true) stores gen particles by names from DB provided through *process.load('SimGeneral.HepPDTESSource.pythiapdt_cfi')*
##PatElectron2Pxlio ##PatJet2Pxlio ##PatMET2Pxlio ##PatMuon2Pxlio ##Candidate2Pxlio ##Trigger2Pxlio Will attach trigger flags directly to the pxl::EventView. Triggers can be filtered by regex, eg.: