To run the code shown on this page, open the MLX file in MATLAB®: mlx-scripts/CreateSimpleChatBot.mlx
This example shows how to create a simple chatbot using the openAIChat
and messageHistory
When you run this example, an interactive AI chat starts in the MATLAB® Command Window. To leave the chat, type "end" or press Ctrl+C.
- This example includes three steps:
- Define model parameters, such as the maximum word count, and a stop word.
- Create an openAIChat object and set up a meta prompt.
- Set up the chat loop.
To run this example, you need a valid API key from a paid OpenAI™ API account.
Set the maximum allowable number of words per chat session and define the keyword that, when entered by the user, ends the chat session. This example uses the model gpt-3.5-turbo
wordLimit = 2000;
stopWord = "end";
modelName = "gpt-3.5-turbo";
Create an instance of openAIChat
to perform the chat and messageHistory
to store the conversation history.
chat = openAIChat("You are a helpful assistant. You reply in a very concise way, keeping answers limited to short sentences.", ModelName=modelName);
messages = messageHistory;
Start the chat and keep it going until it sees the word in stopWord
totalWords = 0;
messagesSizes = [];
The main loop continues indefinitely until you input the stop word or press Ctrl+C.
while true
query = input("User: ", "s");
query = string(query);
disp("User: " + query)
If you input the stop word, display a farewell message and exit the loop.
if query == stopWord
disp("AI: Closing the chat. Have a great day!")
numWordsQuery = countNumWords(query);
If the query exceeds the word limit, display an error message and halt execution.
if numWordsQuery>wordLimit
error("Your query should have less than 2000 words. You query had " + numWordsQuery + " words")
Keep track of the size of each message and the total number of words used so far.
messagesSizes = [messagesSizes; numWordsQuery]; %#ok
totalWords = totalWords + numWordsQuery;
If the total word count exceeds the limit, remove messages from the start of the session until it no longer does.
while totalWords > wordLimit
totalWords = totalWords - messagesSizes(1);
messages = removeMessage(messages, 1);
messagesSizes(1) = [];
Add the new message to the session and generate a new response.
messages = addUserMessage(messages, query);
[text, response] = generate(chat, messages);
disp("AI: " + text)
Count the number of words in the response and update the total word count.
numWordsResponse = countNumWords(text);
messagesSizes = [messagesSizes; numWordsResponse]; %#ok
totalWords = totalWords + numWordsResponse;
Add the response to the session.
messages = addResponseMessage(messages, response);
User: Hello, how much do you know about physics?
AI: I am knowledgeable about various topics in physics. How can I assist you today?
User: What is torque?
AI: Torque is a measure of the rotational force applied to an object.
User: What is force?
AI: Force is a push or pull that causes an object to accelerate or change its motion.
User: What is motion?
AI: Motion is the change in position of an object over time in relation to a reference point.
User: What is time?
AI: Time is a measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.
User: end
AI: Closing the chat. Have a great day!
Function to count the number of words in a text string
function numWords = countNumWords(text)
numWords = doclength(tokenizedDocument(text));
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