Introduction to acceptance testing
Download and set these up first.
XCode (from Appstore)
Ruby version manager - RVM or asdf (asdf config is available in
file) - it's not really required, but it will make your life easier -
Ruby 2.6.3
Postgres (9.5.14 is safe - install via Homebrew or use Postgres app)
- Capybara Webkit driver (you will need QT) Webkit as js driver for capybara
We're using postgres. Make sure it's running (you can check with brew services list
, if you use Homebrew) :)
Then log in to template with this command line:
Ubuntu: sudo -u postgres psql template1
OSX: psql template1
You will now be in psql command line. After that in the console run the development setup script - this script is already filled in with passwords, etc. If you want to change any of the information in there you will need to change it also in database.yml later!
In the pql console run: \i <PATH_TO_PROJECT>/db/development_setup_script.sql
Exit console by typing \q
Copy database.yml.sample to database.yml:
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
Run bundle install
Then rake db:reseed
to populate development environment with example data.
Load test database with rake db:test:load
Seeds have a user already created for you.
with password 12345678
bundle exec rails s
(bundle exec
uses gems from your project, not global for your machine - if any of the above commands don't work, try with bundle exec)
bundle exec rspec spec