is a command line application that lets you access Cloud Storage.
- Creating and deleting buckets.
- Uploading, downloading, and deleting objects.
- Listing buckets and objects.
- Moving, copying, and renaming objects.
- Editing object and bucket ACLs.
For a complete example of performing tasks with gsutil, see
at Example MATLAB Script.
While it is recommended that gsutil be downloaded and installed as part of the Google Cloud SDK package, it can alternatively be installed as a stand-alone product. For more information, see How to install gsutil.
gsutil uses the prefix gs:// to indicate a resource in Cloud Storage:
In addition to specifying exact resources, gsutil supports the use of wildcards in your commands.
By default, gsutil accesses Cloud Storage through JSON API request endpoints. You can change this default to the XML API.
gsutil contains thorough built-in help about every command as well as a number of topics, which you can get by running:
gsutil help
This command outputs a list of all commands and available help topics, and you can then get detailed help for each command or topic.
To get information about gsutil top-level command-line options, use:
gsutil help options
options - Top-Level Command-Line Options
gsutil supports separate options for the top-level gsutil command and
the individual sub-commands (like cp, rm, etc.) The top-level options
control behavior of gsutil that apply across commands. For example, in
the command:
gsutil -m cp -p file gs://bucket/obj
the -m option applies to gsutil, while the -p option applies to the cp
-D Shows HTTP requests/headers and additional debug info needed when
posting support requests, including exception stack traces.
-DD Shows HTTP requests/headers, additional debug info,
exception stack traces, plus HTTP upstream payload.
-h Allows you to specify certain HTTP headers, for example:
gsutil -h "Cache-Control:public,max-age=3600" \
-h "Content-Type:text/html" cp ...
Note that you need to quote the headers/values that
contain spaces (such as "Content-Disposition: attachment;
filename=filename.ext"), to avoid having the shell split them
into separate arguments.
The following headers are stored as object metadata and used
in future requests on the object:
The following headers are used to check data integrity:
gsutil also supports custom metadata headers with a matching
Cloud Storage Provider prefix, such as:
Note that for gs:// URLs, the Cache Control header is specific to
the API being used. The XML API will accept any cache control
headers and return them during object downloads. The JSON API
respects only the public, private, no-cache, and max-age cache
control headers, and may add its own no-transform directive even
if it was not specified. See 'gsutil help apis' for more
information on gsutil's interaction with APIs.
See also "gsutil help setmeta" for the ability to set metadata
fields on objects after they have been uploaded.
-i Allows you to use the configured credentials to impersonate a
service account, for example:
gsutil -i "" ls gs://pub
Note that this setting will be ignored by the XML API and S3. See
'gsutil help creds' for more information on impersonating service
-m Causes supported operations (acl ch, acl set, cp, mv, rm, rsync,
and setmeta) to run in parallel. This can significantly improve
performance if you are performing operations on a large number of
files over a reasonably fast network connection.
gsutil performs the specified operation using a combination of
multi-threading and multi-processing, using a number of threads
and processors determined by the parallel_thread_count and
parallel_process_count values set in the boto configuration
file. You might want to experiment with these values, as the
best values can vary based on a number of factors, including
network speed, number of CPUs, and available memory.
Using the -m option may make your performance worse if you
are using a slower network, such as the typical network speeds
offered by non-business home network plans. It can also make
your performance worse for cases that perform all operations
locally (e.g., gsutil rsync, where both source and destination
URLs are on the local disk), because it can "thrash" your local
If a download or upload operation using parallel transfer fails
before the entire transfer is complete (e.g. failing after 300 of
1000 files have been transferred), you will need to restart the
entire transfer.
Also, although most commands will normally fail upon encountering
an error when the -m flag is disabled, all commands will
continue to try all operations when -m is enabled with multiple
threads or processes, and the number of failed operations (if any)
will be reported as an exception at the end of the command's
-o Set/override values in the boto configuration value, in the format
<section>:<name>=<value>, e.g. gsutil -o "Boto:proxy=host" ...
This will not pass the option to gsutil integration tests, which
run in a separate process.
-q Causes gsutil to perform operations quietly, i.e., without
reporting progress indicators of files being copied or removed,
etc. Errors are still reported. This option can be useful for
running gsutil from a cron job that logs its output to a file, for
which the only information desired in the log is failures.
-u Allows you to specify a user project to be billed for the request.
For example:
gsutil -u "bill-this-project" cp ...
To get information about your gsutil installation, use:
gsutil version -l
gsutil version: 4.46
checksum: a8de0ea0f686569c68755bd18261872d (!= c51c2a8b6522b7ecf21b8a51fd31b812)
boto version: 2.49.0
python version: 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
OS: Windows 10
multiprocessing available: False
using cloud sdk: True
pass cloud sdk credentials to gsutil: True
config path(s): C:\Users\user1\.boto, C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\gcloud\legacy_credentials\\.boto
gsutil path: C:\Users\user1\AppDirectory\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\gsutil\gsutil
compiled crcmod: True
installed via package manager: False
editable install: False
If you only want to access public data, follow the instructions in Accessing Public Data. By following the steps found in the gsutil tab, you can immediately access freely available, publicly accessible data; you do not need to sign up for a Google account or authenticate to Cloud Storage to use gsutil for this purpose.