![Profile picture](/matheusinit/matheusinit/raw/main/ProfilePhoto.jpg)
I'm Matheus Oliveira, a Software Engineer. I'm a 22 years old guy who likes to write tests with TDD. My main language is Typescript/Javascript, but I have experience in Python and Java as well. I am determined and focused, even more when I am programming. I'm always testing new technologies to improve my todays' perspective on projects. I'm enthusiastic to transmit knowledge and see others improving because of that. I believe technology can help people and I'm more than happy to participate with hard work.
Currently I'm learning about Data Science
- 💎 Finance: A Full-Stack application in Ruby on Rails and Tailwind to manage personal finance
- 💳 Ecommerce: An API REST in Node.js with Express and Prisma to buy products in an ecommerce deployed in AWS with Docker and CI/CD pipelines with Unit tests and Integration tests
- ☕ Delivery API Microservice: A microservice API REST written in Java with Spring Boot to track orders between delivery stations to the customer's house and Kakfa to async communication with Ordering API Microservice
- ✏️ My Blog: A blog made with React.js and Typescript with Astro to render Markdown files deployed in Vercel.
- ⭐ Reading Time Estimator: A tiny contribution to a Open Source project in Typescript to calculate a time estimation of a text