From d442ec827b5301d712937f0ed557aa8a9f76d4a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Reynald Affeldt Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 13:36:49 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] more lemmas Co-authored-by: IshiguroYoshihiro --- | 1 + theories/derive.v | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 60ed8ff6a..0b2e84bf6 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ - in `derive.v`: + lemmas `decr_derive1_le0`, `decr_derive1_le0_itv` + + lemmas `ler0_derive1_nincry`, `le0r_derive1_ndecry` ### Changed diff --git a/theories/derive.v b/theories/derive.v index f34b53294..98a09b5d8 100644 --- a/theories/derive.v +++ b/theories/derive.v @@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ Qed. Lemma ler0_derive1_nincr (R : realType) (f : R -> R) (a b : R) : (forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> derivable f x 1) -> (forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> f^`() x <= 0) -> - {within `[a,b], continuous f} -> + {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> forall x y, a <= x -> x <= y -> y <= b -> f y <= f x. Proof. move=> fdrvbl dfle0 ctsf x y leax lexy leyb; rewrite -subr_ge0. @@ -1618,12 +1618,32 @@ have fdrv z : z \in `]x, y[%R -> is_derive z 1 f (f^`()z). rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[xz zy]; apply: DeriveDef; last by rewrite derive1E. by apply: fdrvbl; rewrite in_itv/= (le_lt_trans _ xz)// (lt_le_trans zy). have [] := @MVT _ f (f^`()) x y xlty fdrv. - apply: (@continuous_subspaceW _ _ _ `[a,b]); first exact: itvW. + apply: (@continuous_subspaceW _ _ _ `[a, b]); first exact: itvW. by rewrite continuous_subspace_in. move=> t /itvWlt dft dftxy _; rewrite -oppr_le0 opprB dftxy. by apply: mulr_le0_ge0 => //; [exact: dfle0|by rewrite subr_ge0 ltW]. Qed. +Lemma ler0_derive1_nincry {R : realType} (f : R -> R) (a : R) : + (forall x, x \in `]a, +oo[%R -> derivable f x 1) -> + (forall x, x \in `]a, +oo[%R -> f^`() x <= 0) -> + {within `[a, +oo[, continuous f} -> + forall x y, a <= x -> x <= y -> f y <= f x. +Proof. +move=> fdrvbl dfge0 fcont x y ax xy. +near (pinfty_nbhs R)%R => N. +apply: (@ler0_derive1_nincr _ _ a N) => //. +- move=> r /[!in_itv]/= /andP[ar rN]. + by apply: fdrvbl; rewrite !in_itv/= andbT ar. +- move=> r /[!in_itv]/= /andP[ar rN]. + by apply: dfge0; rewrite !in_itv/= andbT ar. +- apply: continuous_subspaceW fcont. + exact: subset_itvl. +- near: N. + apply: nbhs_pinfty_ge. + by rewrite num_real. +Unshelve. all: end_near. Qed. + Lemma le0r_derive1_ndecr (R : realType) (f : R -> R) (a b : R) : (forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> derivable f x 1) -> (forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> 0 <= f^`() x) -> @@ -1637,6 +1657,26 @@ apply (@ler0_derive1_nincr _ (- f)) => t tab; first exact/derivableN/fdrvbl. by apply: continuousN; exact: fcont. Qed. +Lemma le0r_derive1_ndecry {R : realType} (f : R -> R) (a b : R) : + (forall x, x \in `]a, +oo[%R -> derivable f x 1) -> + (forall x, x \in `]a, +oo[%R -> 0 <= f^`() x) -> + {within `[a, +oo[, continuous f} -> + forall x y, a <= x -> x <= y -> f x <= f y. +Proof. +move=> fdrvbl dfge0 fcont x y ax xy. +near (pinfty_nbhs R)%R => N. +apply: (@le0r_derive1_ndecr _ _ a N) => //. +- move=> r /[!in_itv]/= /andP[ar rN]. + by apply: fdrvbl; rewrite !in_itv/= andbT ar. +- move=> r /[!in_itv]/= /andP[ar rN]. + by apply: dfge0; rewrite !in_itv/= andbT ar. +- apply: continuous_subspaceW fcont. + exact: subset_itvl. +- near: N. + apply: nbhs_pinfty_ge. + by rewrite num_real. +Unshelve. all: end_near. Qed. + Lemma decr_derive1_le0 {R : realType} (f : R -> R) (D : set R) (x : R) : {in D^° : set R, forall x, derivable f x 1%R} -> {in D &, {homo f : x y /~ x < y}} ->