k8 by example -- straight to the point, simple execution.
- Tuned settings to allow large file uploads.
- Disabled "X-Powered-By: php7.6" response headers.
$ make create-disk
gcloud compute disks create wp-matthewdavis-io --zone us-central1-a --size 10
Created [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/streaming-platform-devqa/zones/us-central1-a/disks/wp-matthewdavis-io].
wp-matthewdavis-io us-central1-a 10 pd-standard READY
$ make install MYSQL_HOST=some.mysql.host.com MYSQL_USER=someuser MYSQL_password=supersecret MYSQL_DATABASE=my_wordpress
[ INSTALLING MANIFESTS/CONFIGMAP.YAML ]: configmap "wordpress-config" created
[ INSTALLING MANIFESTS/STORAGE-PERSISTENTVOLUMECLAIM.YAML ]: persistentvolumeclaim "wp-matthewdavis-io-volume" created
[ INSTALLING MANIFESTS/SERVICE.YAML ]: service "wp-matthewdavis-io" created
[ INSTALLING MANIFESTS/DEPLOYMENT.YAML ]: deployment "wp-matthewdavis-io" created
In order to route http traffic to our new wordpress pod we can either change the service type to LoadBalancer
or use
an Ingress
resource. This is handled by the submodule k8-byexamples-ingress-controller
(included in this repo) which
will auto-magically create the Ingress
resource for you:
make ingress-issue HOST=matthewdavis.io
make[1]: Entering directory '/workspace/k8-byexamples-monorepo/modules/k8-byexamples-wordpress/k8-byexamples-ingress-controller'
ingress "matthewdavis.io" created
Now lets request a certificate from LetsEncrypt (see: https://github.com/mateothegreat/k8-byexamples-cert-manager):
$ make certificate-issue
make[1]: Entering directory '/workspace/k8-byexamples-monorepo/modules/k8-byexamples-wordpress/k8-byexamples-ingress-controller'
certificate "matthewdavis.io" created
$ make help
__ __
__ ______ ____ ___ ____ _/ /____ ____ ____/ /
/ / / / __ \/ __ __ \/ __ / __/ _ \/ __ \/ __ /
/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ __/ /_/ / /_/ /
\__, /\____/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\__/\___/\____/\__,_/
yomateo.io, it ain't easy.
Usage: make <target(s)>
create-disk Create disk
initdb Create mysql database & grant (DROP DATABASE is performed!)
ingress-issue Create Ingress Resource
certificate-issue Create LetsEncrypt Certificate Request
dump/submodules Output list of submodules & repositories
install Installs manifests to kubernetes using kubectl apply (make manifests to see what will be installed)
delete Deletes manifests to kubernetes using kubectl delete (make manifests to see what will be installed)
get Retrieves manifests to kubernetes using kubectl get (make manifests to see what will be installed)
get/all Retrives all resources (in color!)
describe Describes manifests to kubernetes using kubectl describe (make manifests to see what will be installed)
context Globally set the current-context (default namespace)
shell Grab a shell in a running container
dump/logs Find first pod and follow log output
dump/manifests Output manifests detected (used with make install, delete, get, describe, etc)
get/myip Get your external ip
testing-curl Try to curl http & https from $(HOST)
testing/curlhttp Try to curl http://$(HOST)
testing/curlhttps Try to curl https://$(HOST)
testing/getip Retrieve external IP from api.ipify.org
git/update Update submodule(s) to HEAD from origin
git/up Update all .make submodules
rbac/grant-google Create clusterrolebinding for cluster-admin
$ make delete
[ DELETING MANIFESTS/SERVICE.YAML ]: service "wordpress" deleted
[ DELETING MANIFESTS/PERSISTENTVOLUMECLAIM.YAML ]: persistentvolumeclaim "wordpress" deleted
[ DELETING MANIFESTS/DEPLOYMENT.YAML ]: deployment "wordpress" deleted
[ DELETING MANIFESTS/INGRESS.YAML ]: ingress "wordpress.gcp.streaming-platform.com" deleted
[ DELETING MANIFESTS/CERTIFICATE.YAML ]: certificate "wordpress.gcp.streaming-platform.com" deleted
[ DELETING MANIFESTS/CONFIGMAP.YAML ]: configmap "wordpress-config" deleted