k8 by example -- straight to the point, simple execution.
_ _ _ _
_ __ __ _ | |__ (_) _ _ o O O (_) | |_
| ' \ / _` | | / / | | | ' \ o | | | _|
|_|_|_| \__,_| |_\_\ _|_|_ |_||_| TS__[O] _|_|_ _\__|
_|"""""|_|"""""|_|"""""|_|"""""|_|"""""| {======|_|"""""|_|"""""|
To use any of my example repositories you'll only need two things:
- gnu
If you're on linux (or using windows linux subsystem -- wsl) simply apt-get install evnsubst
or using yum via yum install envsubst
For OSX users you can install make
by installing the command line tools via Xcode and to install make
you'll run brew install gettext && brew link --force gettext
$ make help
__ __
__ ______ ____ ___ ____ _/ /____ ____ ____/ /
/ / / / __ \/ __ __ \/ __ / __/ _ \/ __ \/ __ /
/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ __/ /_/ / /_/ /
\__, /\____/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\__/\___/\____/\__,_/
yomateo.io, it ain't easy.
Usage: make <target(s)>
dump/submodules Output list of submodules & repositories
install Installs manifests to kubernetes using kubectl apply (make manifests to see what will be installed)
delete Deletes manifests to kubernetes using kubectl delete (make manifests to see what will be installed)
get Retrieves manifests to kubernetes using kubectl get (make manifests to see what will be installed)
describe Describes manifests to kubernetes using kubectl describe (make manifests to see what will be installed)
context Globally set the current-context (default namespace)
shell Grab a shell in a running container
dump/logs Find first pod and follow log output
dump/manifests Output manifests detected (used with make install, delete, get, describe, etc)
git/update Update submodule(s) to HEAD from origin
rbac/grant Create clusterrolebinding for cluster-admin
testing-curl Try to curl http & https from $(HOST)
testing/curlhttp Try to curl http://$(HOST)
testing/curlhttps Try to curl https://$(HOST)
testing/getip Retrieve external IP from api.ipify.org
You can include this in a git repo as a submodule (preferred) or use an environment variable.
$ git submodule add https://github.com/mateothegreat/.make
export MAKE_INCLUDE=/workspace/k8/cluster-2/.make
Now you can simply reference this path in any of your Makfile
include $(MAKE_INCLUDE)/Makefile.inc
You can include this in a git repo as a submodule (preferred) or use an environment variable.
$ git submodule add https://github.com/mateothegreat/.make
export MAKE_INCLUDE=/workspace/k8/cluster-2/.make
Now you can simply reference this path in any of your Makfile
include $(MAKE_INCLUDE)/Makefile.inc