Software Engineer for years, I'm focusing on IoT projects based on best technologies : Linux, Rust, Python.
- C.O.D.D.E. Pi: The all-in-one app to create and control your next DIY project
- codde_example: Practical embedded usecases for CODDE Pi app
- newport_controller: Python console to interact with and set up the NewPort Piezzo Controller
Arch Linux and Sway enthusiasts the whole config being versioned by chezmoi.
I built my own distro and hope to package it for everyone.
Neovim user forever, Astronvim is the best tool compiling NeoVim plugins elegantly.
-> Bring Google Nearby technology to CODDE Pi framework.
-> Port Open Source tools (MicroPython, Microblocks, Fritzing, Python IDE) to the mobile world.
-> Make Rust a strong alternative to C/C++ in the embedded world.