This was created during our time as a student at Code Chrysalis.
I had a TechTalk using this demos, please check it out! Big Mini Conf Track A
And you can see my demo here
ALl HTML file can run locally. But error appears on console.log due to cross-origin policy. If you want to avoid thi error message, you have to run on local server.
If you can use python, you can use
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
If you want to know more, please check TechTalk!
We are going to create new html file, and import A-frame library in our HTML file. The result is this file: s1.html.
<script src=""></script>
I'm going to create tree by using 3 cones and a cylinder. The result is this file: s2-1.html.
color="#416132" height="0.8" segments-height="0" segments-radial="15"
radius-bottom="0.4" radius-top="0.001">
<!-- Add more cones and add a cylinder here! -->
And add more! The result is this file: s2-2.html.
<a-entity class="small-tree">...</a-entity>
<a-entity class="small-tree" position="0.3 0 -1.2">...</a-entity>
<a-entity class="small-tree" position="1.3 0 -0.6">...</a-entity>
...More trees
I'm going to set up a camera so that we can see trees without moving perspective. The result is this file: s3.html.
<a-entity camera position="0 1.4 5"></a-entity>
<a-entity class="small-tree" position="0.3 0 -1.2">...</a-entity>
<a-entity class="small-tree" position="1.3 0 -0.6">...</a-entity>
<a-entity class="small-tree" position="-1 0 -0.4">...</a-entity>
...More trees
I'm going to create interesting environment by using awesome library! The result is this file: s4-1.html.
<script src=""></script>
preset: forest;
grid: none;
ground: hills;groundTexture: walkernoise;
...A-frame scene
But, all components we created are buried. So, I'm going to change those components position. The result is this file: s4-2.html.
preset: forest;
<a-entity class="whole-scene" position="0 1.5 0">
...A-frame scene
I'm going to create a signboard. The result is this file: s5.html.
rotation="0 0 90"
position="0 0.43 0"
value="Hello World"
I'm going to let it snow by using nice library! The result is this file: s6.html.
particle-system="preset: snow; particleCount: 10000; size: 2">
Use 3D model that you or someone created!
Use images, texture!
Add animation! This advanced demo. is using anime.js. It's so fun! Please try it out!
...and so on.