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A sampling algorithm to estimate the average distance among vertices in graph with a large diameter


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A Rust implementation of a sampling algorithm to estimate the average distance among vertices in graph with a large diameter.

Load it with:

git clone
cd avgdist-rs
cargo build --release

Then run it with:

cargo run --release -- <g> <gt> <th> <e> <tr> <d>


key meaning
g $\in \mathbb{S}$ the webgraph graph's base name
gt $\in \mathbb{S}$ the webgraph transposed graph's base name
th $\in \mathbb{N}$ the number of threads to use, usually $60$
e $\in (0, 1]$ the absolute error $\epsilon$, usually $0.1$
tr $\in \lbrace \top, \bot \rbrace$ perform exact computation, usually $\bot$
d $\in \lbrace \top, \bot \rbrace$ dummy sampling, , usually $\bot$


Erdos-Renyi generated graphs

# vertices edge presence prob $\epsilon$ dummy link
1k 0.001 0.1 $\top$ 1k-0001p-01e-d.out
1k 0.001 0.1 $\bot$ 1k-0001p-01e.out
2k 0.001 0.1 $\top$ 2k-0001p-01e-d.out
2k 0.001 0.1 $\bot$ 2k-0001p-01e.out
5k 0.001 0.1 $\top$ 5k-0001p-01e-d.out
5k 0.001 0.1 $\bot$ 5k-0001p-01e.out

Payment graph

# vertices edges $\epsilon$ dummy link
668261953 2162523341 0.1 $\top$ pg-d.out
668261953 2162523341 0.1 $\bot$ pg.out

WebGraph in Rust

The WebGraph framework has been ported to webgraph-rs which is written in Rust and we take the opportunity to experiment with it. First install the system with

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

in order to load, compile and creating the webgraph executable, it needs to type the command

cargo install webgraph

Elias-Fano encodings

First of all we allow random access to successors by creating the Elias-Fano encoding of the graph with the command webgraph build ef pg:

             Type             Code  Improvement   Weight      Bytes             Bits
       outdegrees            Gamma       0.000%    0.000     0.000                 0
reference_offsets            Unary       0.000%    0.000     0.000                 0
     block_counts            Unary       0.000%    0.000     0.000                 0
           blocks            Unary         NaN%    0.000     0.000                 0
  interval_counts            Unary       5.991%    0.021     4.862M         38897857
  interval_starts    Zeta { k: 5 }      30.884%    0.191    44.900M        359197369
    interval_lens Golomb { b: 13 }       8.671%    0.011     2.683M         21464453
  first_residuals    Zeta { k: 5 }       4.537%    0.316    74.249M        593993096
        residuals            Unary      66.667%    0.461   108.208M        865667642

 Old bit size:      19435000014
 New bit size:      17555779597
   Saved bits:       1879220417
Old byte size:           2.429G
New byte size:           2.194G
  Saved bytes:         234.903M
  Improvement:           9.669%

Having the ability to traverse the graph backward, using transposed edges namely, is very important for the implementation of our algorithm; therefore, we create the necessary representations via the command TMPDIR=/data/bitcoin webgraph transform transpose pg pg-t. Consequently, we generate the Elias-Fano encoding for the transposed graph too via the command webgraph build ef pg-t:

             Type             Code  Improvement   Weight      Bytes             Bits
       outdegrees  Golomb { b: 2 }      12.084%    0.445    37.168M        297343088
reference_offsets            Unary       0.000%    0.000     0.000                 0
     block_counts            Unary       0.000%    0.000     0.000                 0
           blocks            Unary         NaN%    0.000     0.000                 0
  interval_counts            Unary       0.074%    0.000    24.270K           194160
  interval_starts    Zeta { k: 4 }      25.414%    0.010   794.136K          6353087
    interval_lens            Gamma       0.000%    0.000     0.000                 0
  first_residuals    Zeta { k: 5 }       3.609%    0.305    25.444M        203555022
        residuals    Zeta { k: 4 }       2.180%    0.241    20.091M        160731919

 Old bit size:      17629244059
 New bit size:      16961066783
   Saved bits:        668177276
Old byte size:           2.204G
New byte size:           2.120G
  Saved bytes:          83.522M
  Improvement:           3.790%


A sampling algorithm to estimate the average distance among vertices in graph with a large diameter





