A simple PHP Employees Management System in which you can manage and track your employees attendance, setup payrolls and many more
This is a php system which you can host under your local or online server which requires only a DB import which you can find under database folder.
Admin panel can be accessed using http://www.your-domain.com/admin Employees can check in check out using an Employeed ID that admin can provide or using a QR code scan.
make sure you create a database called ' company_ems '
- Employee and Administrative side
- Add, Edit, Remove and View Employees
- Manage Attendance
- Overtime Works
- Advance Cash
- Manage Schedules
- Deductions
- Position Titles
- Payroll
- jQuery 3
- Google Font (Source+Code+Pro)
- Bootstrap 3.3.7
- Moment JS
- Font Awesome
- code-projects.org
The QR code generation for now is done manually, it can be generated using any free online QR generator ex: qrcode-monkey.com; generate the QR based on the following structure: http://www.your-domain.com/attendance.php?employee={employeeId}
You can predefine your timezone by updating timezone.php to fit your needs.
DB connection settings can be found under ./conn.php & ./admin/includes/conn.php
- path: http://www.your-domain.com/admin
- username: admin
- password: password
We're always looking for:
- Bug reports, especially those for aspects with a reduced test case
- Ideas for enhancements