In this second HW we dedicated ourselves to the commercial analysis of an e-commerce, of which we studied the data contained in the datasets of the months of: October 2019, November 2019, December 2019, January 2020, February 2020, March 2020, April 2020 . The main goal of our analysis was to find answers to commercial questions (RQs) that were commissioned to us.
The datasets we worked on were taken from this link , where there is an accurate description of the structure.
The repository of this homework consists of two files:
In this Jupyter notebook file there are all the answers to the RQs, with comments, considerations about the approach to the data and results. The entire notebook is already run so the analysis is ready to be read.
This .py file contains all the function that we have used to answer the RQs. There is a division into sections and in each there are the functions adopted for the relative RQ. The choices made in the functions are commented on in order to make the code as clear as possible, justifying its functioning.
Homework of group 2:
Martina Betti
Arsen Yerbol
Tommaso Berritto