HeliStatistiX is a python v2.7 tool that allows to compute tilt angles of helices and packing angles of helices in interactions, mainly.
The full results of the analysis are part of Chapter 4 of my Pharm.D. thesis [FR].
Contact: marouen.b.guebila@gmail.com
Put the .pdb files downloaded from OPM database in the same folder as the script of HeliStatistiX
Write a file named config containing 3 lines:
PDB codes of the proteins analyzed separated by ',' (comma)
E.g., 1dxr,1e12,1eys,
Subunits of each protein separated by ',' and by ';' to separate proteins
E.g., L,M;A;L,M;
Beginning and end of each helix (these information can be taken from OPM database). The start and end of each helix are separated by ',' Helices are separated by ':', Subunits are separated by '/' ,Proteins are separated by ';'
E.g., 33,54:85,106:116,138:171,192:228,251/53,74:111,133:143,165:199,220:263,284;27,50:63,82:106,123:134,153:159,180:199,221:227,250;33,54:92,114:124,146:179,200:237,258/55,75:112,133:143,165:197,220:264,283;3,24:38,57:70,87:98,117:122,141:163,180:190,211/24,41:60,81;
2 files :
contains :
The tilt angle,
The helix length in amino acids number,
The helix length in Angstrom,
The mean hydrophobicity of the helix,
The hydrophobic moment of Eisenberg,
The number of neighbor helices,
The number of kinks,
The greatest angle of kink (relative to the helix axis),
The composition of aminoacids of the first tour
The composition of aminoacids of the last tour
contains :
The packing angle between a couple of helices in interaction,
The helix orientation (A/P),
Number of contacts between helices (based on Chothia definition),
The minimum distance between the centers of each helix,
The length of the connexion loop,
The number of kinks totalized by both helices
The hydrophobic moment of Eisenberg of each helix