I'm Mark Pavlenko, from Ukraine, Kyiv.
I created lot's of projects, like PyTermOS.
I love both Front-End and Back-End. I know HTML and CSS very well, and know Python.
I've created lot's of projects.
markpavlenko.github.io - a website about me so you can see my projects and stuff 'bout me.
PMDMcalc - a calculator on python that runs in a terminal window.
PyTerm - a custom terminal with PMDMcalc and lot's of features. It was discontinued due to the creation of PyTermOS.
RandomCarrot - a module for Python that can generate random letters and numbers. Was also discontinued, because of small activity.
desktop.chatgpt - an app that let's you use ChatGPT on your Mac. A new official ChatGPT Desktop app was released, but only for MacOS Sonoma and desktop.chatgpt let's you use it on any MacOS.
And PyTermOS, a Linux distro that uses the PyTerm CLI interface, only for RPi hardware.
It's not working now (Kernel Panic issues) and i'm working on it.
See more at pytermos.com!
See more at juicepackage.site