I deploy all code to my Pis and other servers with Ansible
Various ansible deployment scripts include passwords and other sensitive data. These are read from an encrypted file on my PC and are not on Github.
The file contains a list of ansible variable definitions in keyword: value
form. It is then encrypted with ansible-vault
. You'll have to provide a password - see below for how to store this.
Basic ansible-vault commands are:
ansible-vault encrypt secretsfile # encrypts the file
ansible-vault edit secretsfile # allows editing of the file contents
ansible-vault decrypt secretsfile # decrypts the file - no real reason to do this!
To use the file in a playbook, add this to the - hosts
section in the playbook
- secretsfile
Then use the variables exactly as normal eg userid: {{ keyword }}
Ansible will decrypt the file and do the usual variable-substitution.
The vault file password can either be provided on the commandline
ansible-playbook mydeployment.yml --ask-vault-pass
or stored in a separate file. I tend to keep the vault password file in my ~/.ssh
folder along with my ssh keys, as this area is reasonably well protected. The file can then be referenced through an environment variable
ansible-playbook mydeployment.yml
or passed in on the commandline:
ansible-playbook mydeployment.yml --vault-password-file=somefile