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Get context for your pull requests
40 installs


Freemium plan available.

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Prioritize the pull requests you have to review by adding additional context from git history, production events and business KPIs

Reviewing pull requests is one of the most crucial interaction among developers in a team. However, there are usually too many requests to review for every developer, resulting in bad or no reviews. We try to help by prioritizing pull requests for a developer, so they can at least review the important PRs carefully. We help prioritize by adding context to the PR, like the familiarity of the reviewer with the files changed in the PR (using git commit history). Additional context can be added by integrating production events and business events (coming soon).

Relevant PRs in yellow

Plans and pricing

The app is available under a free plan, with limited functionality

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Get context for your pull requests
40 installs


Freemium plan available.