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Output Help for a PowerShell Module, using HelpOut


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: OutputHelp

uses: StartAutomating/HelpOut@v0.2.8

Learn more about this action in StartAutomating/HelpOut

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A Helpful Toolkit for Managing PowerShell Help

HelpOut is a Helpful Toolkit for Managing PowerShell Help.

It helps you to:

  • Make Markdown Documentation and Wikis For Your Module
  • Measure how much documentation is in a script or a function
  • Find references within a script.

Generating MAML

Get-Module HelpOut | Save-Maml # Will generate MAML files for all of the commands in HelpOut

Generating Markdown /docs

Get-Module HelpOut | Save-MarkdownHelp  # Will generate a /docs folder containing markdown help (interlinked for GitHub Pages)

Generating Wikis

Get-Module HelpOut | Save-MarkdownHelp -Wiki  # Will generate a ../ folder containing markdown help (interlinked for wikis)

Using HelpOut as a GitHub Action.

You can use HelpOut as a GitHub Action. Doing so will run whatever .HelpOut.ps1 files exist in your repository. If a -CommitMessage is provided, or attached to any files returned by the .HelpOut.ps1, the changes will be commited.