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Azure DevOps Commit Validator and Pull Request Linker

Enforce that each commit in a pull request has AB# in the commit message and link all of the work items to the pull request
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Azure DevOps Commit/PR Validator and Pull Request Linker Action

This is an action to be ran in a pull request to make sure either that one or both of the following scenarios are met:

  1. Pull request title or body contains an Azure DevOps work item link (e.g. AB#123)
  2. Each commit in a pull request has an Azure DevOps work item link (e.g. AB#123) in the commit message
    • Optionally, add a GitHub Pull Request link to the work item in Azure DevOps
    • By default, Azure DevOps only adds the Pull Request link to work items mentioned directly in the PR title or body


This should only be triggered via pull requests.

name: pr-commit-message-enforcer-and-linker

    branches: [ "main" ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write

    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: Azure DevOps Commit Validator and Pull Request Linker
      uses: joshjohanning/azdo_commit_message_validator@v2
        check-pull-request: true
        check-commits: true
        fail-if-missing-workitem-commit-link: true
        link-commits-to-pull-request: true
        azure-devops-organization: my-azdo-org
        azure-devops-token: ${{ secrets.AZURE_DEVOPS_PAT }}


Name Description Required Default
check-pull-request Check the pull request body and title for AB#xxx true true
check-commits Check each commit in the pull request for AB#xxx true true
fail-if-missing-workitem-commit-link Only if check-commits=true, fail the action if a commit in the pull request is missing AB# in every commit message false true
link-commits-to-pull-request Only if check-commits=true, link the work items found in commits to the pull request false true
azure-devops-organization Only if check-commits=true, link the work items found in commits to the pull request false ''
azure-devops-token Only required if link-commits-to-pull-request=true, Azure DevOps PAT used to link work item to PR (needs to be a full PAT) false ''
github-token The GitHub token that has contents-read and pull_request-write access true ${{ github.token }}


Runner Software Requirements

Required software installed on runner:


Failing pull request, including comment back to the pull request showing why it failed

image image

Failing commit


Adding Pull Request link in Azure DevOps to work item linked to a commit in a pull request


Validating the logs and creating pull requests


How the commit / pull request linking in Azure DevOps works

If the check-commits: true the action will look at each commit in the pull request and check for AB#123 in the commit message.

The action loops through each commit and:

  1. Makes sure it has AB#123 in the commit message
  2. If it does, and if link-commits-to-pull-request: true, add a GitHub Pull Request link to the work item in Azure DevOps

Adding the link to the GitHub Pull Request was the tricky part.

If you use an API to look at the links of a work item with a GitHub pull request link, you will see:

      "attributes": {
        "authorizedDate": "2022-08-02T18:45:03.567Z",
        "id": 3916078,
        "name": "GitHub Pull Request",
        "resourceCreatedDate": "2022-08-02T18:45:03.567Z",
        "resourceModifiedDate": "2022-08-02T18:45:03.567Z",
        "revisedDate": "9999-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "rel": "Artifact Link",
      "url": "vstfs:///GitHub/PullRequest/62f33e8a-c421-441d-88e1-06c46c4ffbbb%2f7"

Note the url field - vstfs:///GitHub/PullRequest/62f33e8a-c421-441d-88e1-06c46c4ffbbb%2f7

Creating a new link is (relatively) easy with the API, but you can't just use the regular GitHub pull request link. They use a garbled GUID that isn't the GUID or ID of the repo in GitHub.

The GUID can be found using an (undocumented) API:


See this thread for slightly more info.

Found the javascript sample here. Other samples are here.

Azure DevOps Commit Validator and Pull Request Linker is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Enforce that each commit in a pull request has AB# in the commit message and link all of the work items to the pull request

Azure DevOps Commit Validator and Pull Request Linker is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.