Hello there! I'm Marisol Yake, my pronouns are she/they, and I'm currently working as an Data Analytics Consultant for Mountain Museum Management (MMM) where we are hard at work co-developing the Collections & Data Analysis (CADA) pilot project. After extensive research and project development, we are rolling out our first project demonstrations (available here) and beginning the process of museum client on-boarding.
Prior to my work with MMM, I worked most recently as an undergraduate research asssitant conducting research regarding Human-Computer Interactions at CU Boulder with the Philanthropic Informatics Research Lab (PIRL), conducting independent research under the direct supervision of Amy Voida, PhD and Shiva Darian, PhD. We examined how labor unions use data and information technology to support labor power in the workplace, which culminated in contribution to a research manuscript for publication.
If you are interested in my work on Tableau Public, click here.