The tech stack :
- Go
- Templ
- Tailwindcss
- Echo
- Go - Version 1.22.0 or greater required
- Templ
- Air
- Htmx
- Tailwindcss
- Echo - Version 1.22.0 or greater required
git clone <destination-directory>
cd <destination-directory>
go get -u (optional, upgrade all dependecies)
go mod tidy
mv .env.example .env;
echo "PORT=8080" > .env
This project requires a build step. The following are commands needed to build your html and css output.
With templ installed and the binary somewhere on your PATH, run the following to generate your HTML components and templates and start the proxy server.
NOTE: Replace 8080 with your port number (or source it from the .env through your preffered method).
templ generate --watch --proxy="http://localhost:8080" --cmd="air"
With the Tailwind Binary installed and moved somewhere on your PATH, run the following to generate your CSS output for your tailwind classes (remove --watch to simply build and not hot reload)
tailwindcss -i ./static/css/input.css -o ./static/css/output.css --watch
With the Air Binary installed and moved somewhere on your PATH, the first command (templ generate) will generate the HTML components and templates and then automatically run air to start the server.
To configure air, you can modify .air.toml in the root of the project. (it will be auto-generated after the first time you run air in your repo)
Note, htmx and your tailwind output are included in the head of this template:
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/output.css"></link>