While I haven't officialy archived this in case I decide to come back to it at a later point, there is currently no plan for further development of this project. Because I don't want to repeat myself, for slightly more information read the notice at jimmyscompany.top
This website aims to make Sentral look prettier, by completely scrapping the old look, and remaking it grid by grid, and div by div.
Soon to be features:
- Add junk / news section
- Add random fake news article about apples each day in 'junk' section
- Add daily weather
- Add Sentralify logo to tab
- See your timetable
- See daily notices
- See attendance
- See activities
- See awards
- Use encryption to store passwords (see, I thought about this!)
- Use encryption to store timetable, attendance etc.
- Add Dark Mode
Long term features:
- Search for when your next period of a certain subject is
- Periods Left Counter
- Reminders on the webpage
- A recurring list of items you need each lesson on the webpage
- Be able to upload your own profile photo
Fixed the errors. May add mmore features, but probably not. Feel free to create PRs with new features though.