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PostgreSQL and Repmgr for High Availability and automated load balancing with HAProxy, Corosync and Pacemaker
+## Introduction
+ Ansible role to configure PostgreSQL, Repmgr for High Availability
+ and automated load balancing with HAProxy, Corosync and Pacemaker
+## Automated replication and failover
+The base functionality offer by the role is to configure the PostgreSQL cluster with replication monitored
+by Repmgr.
+You will need to have, ideally, 3 nodes in order to satisfy the qorum size.
+Each node should have the `postgres_role` set to `master` (exactly 1) and `slave` (2 or more)
+ host_vars:
+ node1:
+ postgres_role: master
+ node2:
+ postgres_role: slave
+ node3:
+ postgres_role: slave
+The role will work out of the box, with standard master-slave replication, with no configuration needed. Check [defaults/main.yml](./defaults/main.yml) for optional config vars.
+To check the replication status , login as postgres and run:
+postgres@node1:~$ psql -Aqtc "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_replication"
+## Managed Replication using Repmgr
+repmgr is an open-source tool suite for managing replication and failover in a cluster of PostgreSQL servers. It enhances PostgreSQL's built-in hot-standby capabilities with tools to set up standby servers, monitor replication, and perform administrative tasks such as failover or manual switchover operations.
+In order to turn on the installation and configuration using repmgr, set `postgres_repmgr_enabled` group variable to true:
+ postgres_repmgr_enabled: true
+This will be using repmgr instead of pg_basebackup to clone the master and than register it in the repmgr cluster.
+Once configured, you can check the replication status via repmgr as follows:
+postgres@node1:~$ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf cluster crosscheck
+INFO: connecting to database
+ Name | ID | 1 | 2 | 3
+ node1 | 1 | * | * | *
+ node2 | 2 | * | * | *
+ node3 | 3 | * | * | *
+postgres@node1:~$ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf cluster show
+ ID | Name | Role | Status | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string
+ 1 | node1 | primary | * running | | default | 100 | 1 | host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr connect_timeout=2
+ 2 | node2 | standby | running | node1 | default | 100 | 1 | host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr connect_timeout=2
+ 3 | node3 | standby | running | node1 | default | 100 | 1 | host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr connect_timeout=2
+## Load Balancing and Automated Failover
+Repmgr will ensure that the replication remains functional by choosing a new master (primary) and adjusting the replication slave (master) targets.
+The clients won't know however, which is the master and which is the server unless they do some discovery (ex: check replication status).
+The approach found in this role takes advantage of the Corosync/Pacemaker to manage iptables rules, by automatically blocking writes on the slaves Repmgr Sentinel triggers failover events.
+- each node will listen on 3 ports 5432 (default), 5434(RO), 5435 (RW), last 2 via iptables prerouting
+- the master will have `postgres_role=master` corosync note attribute and `postgres_role=slave` for slaves respectivelly
+- corosync will block port 5435 when redis_role=replica
+- corosync will block port 5435 and 5434 when redis_role=fail
+- the load balancer will try 5435 port for RW and only one server will NOT reject the connections `postgres_role=master`
+### Requirements
+The nodes should have Corosync with Pacemaker already configured. Check my [corosync_pacemaker ansible role](https://github.com/mariancraciun1983/ansible-corosync-pacemaker) . Having `symmetric-cluster` is also required so that not all nodes will get the resources assigned to them, but only based on pacemaker colocation rules.
+- name: Prepare Corosync/Pacemaker
+ hosts: all
+ gather_facts: true
+ roles:
+ - mariancraciun1983.corosync_pacemaker
+ - mariancraciun1983.postgres_repmgr_ha
+# corosync config
+install_python3: true
+corosync_hacluster_password: 1q2w3e4r5t
+ - key: stonith-enabled
+ value: "false"
+ - key: no-quorum-policy
+ value: ignore
+ - key: start-failure-is-fatal
+ value: "false"
+ - key: symmetric-cluster
+ value: "false"
+# enable repmgr
+postgres_repmgr_enabled: true
+# enable repmgr integration with pacemaker
+postgres_repmgr_pacemaker: true
+# this must be true only once, initially, when the Corosync node attributes need to be configured
+# after that, repmgr will be triggering node attributes updates in case of a failover
+postgres_repmgr_pacemaker_helpers_init: true
+Running `crm_mon -AnfroRtc` will gives us the following:
+Cluster Summary:
+ * Stack: corosync
+ * Current DC: repmgrpmk2 (2) (version 2.0.3-4b1f869f0f) - partition with quorum
+ * Last updated: Mon Nov 16 05:53:53 2020
+ * Last change: Mon Nov 16 05:53:06 2020 by postgres via crm_attribute on repmgrpmk2
+ * 3 nodes configured
+ * 6 resource instances configured
+Node List:
+ * Node repmgrpmk1 (1): online:
+ * Resources:
+ * Node repmgrpmk2 (2): online:
+ * Resources:
+ * PostgresqlLBWriteBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Started
+ * Node repmgrpmk3 (3): online:
+ * Resources:
+ * PostgresqlLBWriteBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Started
+Inactive Resources:
+ * Clone Set: PostgresqlLBReadBlock-clone [PostgresqlLBReadBlock]:
+ * PostgresqlLBReadBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Stopped
+ * PostgresqlLBReadBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Stopped
+ * PostgresqlLBReadBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Stopped
+ * Stopped: [ repmgrpmk1 repmgrpmk2 repmgrpmk3 ]
+ * Clone Set: PostgresqlLBWriteBlock-clone [PostgresqlLBWriteBlock]:
+ * PostgresqlLBWriteBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Started repmgrpmk2
+ * PostgresqlLBWriteBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Started repmgrpmk3
+ * PostgresqlLBWriteBlock (ocf::heartbeat:command_raw): Stopped
+ * Started: [ repmgrpmk2 repmgrpmk3 ]
+ * Stopped: [ repmgrpmk1 ]
+Node Attributes:
+ * Node: repmgrpmk1 (1):
+ * postgresql_role : primary
+ * Node: repmgrpmk2 (2):
+ * postgresql_role : replica
+ * Node: repmgrpmk3 (3):
+ * postgresql_role : replica
+ * Node: repmgrpmk2 (2):
+ * PostgresqlLBWriteBlock: migration-threshold=1000000:
+ * (12) start: last-rc-change="Mon Nov 16 05:53:06 2020" last-run="Mon Nov 16 05:53:06 2020" exec-time="21ms" queue-time="0ms" rc=0 (ok)
+ * (13) monitor: interval="10000ms" last-rc-change="Mon Nov 16 05:53:06 2020" exec-time="13ms" queue-time="0ms" rc=0 (ok)
+ * Node: repmgrpmk1 (1):
+ * Node: repmgrpmk3 (3):
+ * PostgresqlLBWriteBlock: migration-threshold=1000000:
+ * (12) start: last-rc-change="Mon Nov 16 05:53:06 2020" last-run="Mon Nov 16 05:53:06 2020" exec-time="28ms" queue-time="0ms" rc=0 (ok)
+ * (13) monitor: interval="10000ms" last-rc-change="Mon Nov 16 05:53:06 2020" exec-time="16ms" queue-time="0ms" rc=0 (ok)
+## Others
+The role also offers the posibility to use a different/internal ip
+as follows:
+ postgres_use_internal_ip: true
+ node1:
+ postgres_role: master
+ internal_ip:
+ node2:
+ postgres_role: slave
+ internal_ip:
+ node3:
+ postgres_role: slave
+ internal_ip:
+ - integrate barman
+ - add witness node configuration
+## Testing
+Molecule with docker is being used with 2 scenarios:
+ - default - non-repmgr
+ - repmgr
+ - repmgr + corosync/pacemaker
+Running the tests:
+pipenv install
+pipenv run molecule test
+# or test individual scenario
+# standard replication
+pipenv run molecule test -s default
+# repmgr managed replication and failover
+pipenv run molecule test -s repmgr
+# repmgr with corosync/pacemaker
+pipenv run molecule test -s repmgrpmk
+## License
+MIT License
+The code contains the [iptables_raw](https://github.com/Nordeus/ansible_iptables_raw) ansible module which is also licensed under MIT License.
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index e13a268..fe81f34 100644
--- a/meta/main.yml
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ galaxy_info:
role_name: postgres_repmgr_ha
author: Marian Craciun
description: >-
- Ansible role to configure PostgreSQL, Repmgr for High Availability
+ Configure PostgreSQL, Repmgr for High Availability
and automated load balancing with HAProxy, Corosync and Pacemaker
license: MIT
diff --git a/tasks/repmgr/pacemaker/resources.yml b/tasks/repmgr/pacemaker/resources.yml
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
register: pcs_out
changed_when: pcs_out.rc == 0
failed_when: >-
- pcs_out.rc != 0 and \
+ pcs_out.rc != 0 and
pcs_out.stderr.find('already exists') == -1 and
pcs_out.stderr.find('is already a clone') == -1