Basic steps:
- Install Java and supporting tools
- install Java JDK
- install Maven
- check Java and Maven work by running a sample test
- Install IntelliJ Community Edition and plugins
- check IntelliJ works by running the sample test
- Check what you need to install by typing console commands
javac -version
- If it fails install Java JDK
- Check Maven
mvn -version
- If it fails install Maven
- Run everything using Maven:
mvn test
- Run only tagged tests using Maven:
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @rest"
- Install and run IntelliJ Community Edition, e.g. for Windows
- Install Idea plugins: Cucumber for Java, Markdown support, Gherkin Support
Config settings: Run- > Edit Configurations
Main class: cucumber.api.cli.Main
Glue: com.jeta.sample.test
Feature or folder path: C:/projects/sample-test-automation/src/test/resources/features
Program arguments: --plugin
You can run each feature file independently or execute the whole pack by running RunCukesTest
-Dcucumber.options="--tags @rest"
-Dcucumber.options="--tags @rest" -Denv=env1
(available options: env1 and env2)-Dcucumber.options
(available options: chrome, firefox, ie, phantomjs, htmlunit, safari, opera)-Dselenide.headless
(can be true or false, false by default)-Dselenide.timeout
- In addition to that you can override any configuration parameter from file, e.g.