!!! This project is outdated. New version is here: https://github.com/mariaklimenko/sample-test-automation !!!
This simple project demonstrates Web UI test automation solution written in Java, Maven, Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver including cross browser testing support. We leverage powerful open-source libraries and tools to build automation testing framework which is easy to setup and maintain even for newbies in Java world.
We use WebDriverManager which currently supports management of Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer,Microsoft Edge, PhantomJS, and Firefox.
In addition to that there is API testing support:
- REST API testing example with leverage of Rest Assured, WireMock for mocking service responses, and Jackson for convenient work with POJO's
- JMS API testing example using Apache ActiveMQ embedded broker for mocking server-side
In future we also plan to show here how to auto test JMX, RMI, JDBC and more. Other than that, there is plan to show how to do data-driven testing in Cucumber and how to run unit tests, integration tests and executable specifications from a single call to Junit.
Furthermore, we plan to show how to do flexible and beautiful test reporting using Allure and integrate your test base to CI tools