##About Implement the Battleship Game using sockets as communication. One of the users is the server connection and the other the client. Users can also exchange messages through a chat.
##Start the game Start the game the user must choose to start as server or client. The user can start the server or client accessing the menu Options.
If the user start as server socket connection will open for 30 seconds, waiting for a connection. If the timeout for connection exceeded is necessary to start the server again. When the server is opened and the timeout for connection exceeded a message is displayed informing the user what is happening.
If the user start as client socket connection is necessary enter the server host.
When the connection is successfully a message is displayed to both players saying that the connection was successful.
Each player can play three times in a game. When the player hits an opponent's piece this piece change color for red, if you miss the opponent's piece this piece change color for blue. Each movement was a message informing that the piece was hit, is also informed if the arm was sunk.
When a player wins the game a popup informs that he won the match, a popup also informs the loser that he lost the match.
##Build status
Last build in Travis continuous integration
You can download it in the .jar format:
last version
Marcus Vinícius Pimenta
email: mvinicius.pimenta@gmail.com