Repository del Progetto del corso di Programmazione ad Oggetti @ Università degli Studi di Padova.
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QVisualizer is a desktop app for Real Time Music Visualization. It is written in C++ using Qt Library and OpenGL.
- Qt 5.13.0 or later
- Open Terminal
- Navigate to Folder
- Type
and press Enter - Type
and press Enter
QVisualizer was developed to run natively in Ubuntu. Windows is also supported, but Qt's audio buffers have a quite strange behaviour in Windows: they randomly change size. That is dependent on the implementation that Qt developers decided to go with. To avoid any stability and compatibility issues, in this case QVisualizer will fetch the audio buffers from the soundcard. Thus, make sure you enable Stereo Mix.
As it was submitted to the teacher.
- Improved compatibility on Windows: now using QAudioRecorder on Windows Implementation. Stereo Mix enabled is required.
- Added -Windows Only- Feature: audio is fetched from SoundCard, thus QVisualizer picks up the audio regardless of the app you are listening music with.
- Improved User Experience: added QFileDialog for easier file selection.
Abbiamo deciso di condividere liberamente e totalmente il nostro progetto in modo che i futuri studenti del corso di Programmazione ad Oggetti possano trarne ispirazione, qualora l'idea piacesse. Sconsigliamo, però, di copiarlo. Il Professor Ranzato controlla ogni progetto consegnato confrontandolo con i precedenti.
La macchina virtuale di laboratorio fornitaci era sprovvista di alcuni moduli Qt. Per installarli, lanciare da terminale il comando sudo apt install qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins