

Implementation of a non-linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm for reference traking
with the addition of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for state estimation and robustness to noise.
Presentation | Report | Usage Example |
1. Author Info |
Name | Surname | Student ID | UniTS mail | Google mail | Master |
Marco | Tallone | SM3600002 | marco.tallone@studenti.units.it | marcotallone85@gmail.com | SDIC |
Generative Tools Notice:
Generative AI tools have been used as a support for the development of this project. In particular, the Copilot generative tool based on OpenAI GPT 4o model has been used as assistance medium in performing the following tasks:
- writing documentation and comments in the implemented models for
function - fixing implementation bugs in the
method used to define the QP problem matrices in dense MPC formulation - improving variable naming and overall code readability
- grammar and spelling check both in this README and in the report
- aesthetic improvements in report plots
Nevertheless, the auhtor assumes full responsibility for the final content and correctness of the project.
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a control strategy that has been widely
adopted for the control of dynamical systems. The MPC approach is based on the
solution of an optimization problem over a finite horizon, which allows for the
consideration of constraints on the system states and inputs. When used for
reference tracking, the MPC algorithm
computes the optimal control input by minimizing a cost function that penalizes
the deviation of the system states from the desired trajectory.
However, real-world systems are often affected by noise and disturbances, which
can lead to undesired results with the adoption of an MPC controller. Moreover,
whenever the complete state of a system cannot be fully measured, the use of
state estimators is required to infer the unmeasured components and
apply the MPC algorithm.
To address
this issues, the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) [3,4]
can be used to estimate the states
of a non-linear system by fusing the available measurements with the system
dynamics and incorporating information about the process and measurement
This projects presents the implementation of a Model Predictive Control algorithm
for non-linear dynamical systems based on successive linearization and
discretization of the dynamics around operating points, as well as the
development of an Extended Kalman Filter to estimate the states of the system in
the presence of noise.
The objectives of this project are both to study the effectiveness of the
non-linear MPC algorithm applied for tracking reference trajectories under
different circumstances and also to reproduce and compare the obtained results
with the ones presented by Kunz, Huck and Summers [1]
their work on the tracking of a helicopter model.
The project is developed in MATLAB
version 24.2.0 (R2024b)
A complete theoretical description of the implemented models and algorithms can be found formalized in the report or pesented in the animated presentation of this repository. Technical implementation details are also provided in section Implementation Details below or can be accessed at any moment using the help
function in the MATLAB command window.
The rest of the project is structured as follows:
├── 🖼️ images # Project images
├── ⚜️ LICENSE # License file
├── 📁 docs # Presentation folder
├── 📜 README.md # This file
├── 📁 report # Report folder
│ ├── images
│ ├── main.pdf
│ └── ...
├── 📁 results # Results folder
│ ├── helicopter_results.csv
│ ├── unicycle_results.csv
│ └── ...
├── 📁 scripts # Main MATLAB scripts
│ ├── helicopter_MPC.m
│ ├── helicopter_simulate.m
│ ├── unicycle_MPC.m
│ └── unicycle_simulate.m
└── 📁 src # Models implementations
├── DynamicalSystem.m
├── Helicopter.m
├── MPC.m
└── Unicycle.m
The project is developed in MATLAB
version 24.2.0 (R2024b)
[5] and requires the following toolboxes:
Control System Toolbox
Optimization Toolbox
Symbolic Math Toolbox
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
Robotics System Toolbox
The implemented model classes as well as the MPC class can be found in the src/
folder. In order to run the provided scripts or use the implemented classes in your own scripts, you can simply add the src/
folder to your MATLAB path. This can be done by running the following command in the MATLAB command window:
where 'path-to-src'
is the path to the src/
folder relative to your current working directory.
Alternatively you can also permanently add the src/
folder to your MATLAB path with the following steps:
- Run 'pathtool' in the MATLAB command window
- Click on "Add Folder" (or "Add with Subfolders") and select the
directory. - Click "Save" to save the path for future MATLAB sessions.
After these steps the Unicycle
, Helicopter
and MPC
classes can be correctly used in any script.
The MATLAB scripts in the scripts/
folder contain some usage example of the implemented algorithms. In particular the example.m
script is a step by step tutorial on how to use the implemented classes and methods for the tracking problem. Additionally, the following files can be found with the relative purpose:
: a script to simulate the unicycle model and visualize its time evolution given a determined input sequenceunicycle_MPC.m
: a script to simulate the unicycle model with the implemented MPC algorithm and the posibility to add process and measurement noisehelicopter_simulate.m
: a script to simulate the helicopter model and visualize its time evolution given a determined input sequencehelicopter_MPC.m
: a script to simulate the helicopter model with the implemented MPC algorithm and the posibility to add process and measurement noise
This section presents some (not all...) of the technical details of the implemented classes and methods while theoretical information can be found in the report.
However, all the implemented classes and methods are also documented respecting MATLAB
's documentation conventions. Therefore, further information about any of the implemented models can be found using the help
function in the MATLAB command window. For example, to get information about the MPC
class, you can run the following command:
help MPC
Alternatively, you can also use the doc
function to open the documentation in the MATLAB Help Browser:
doc MPC
The DynamicalSystem
class is an abstract class that defines the interface for all the dynamical systems that can be used with the implemented MPC algorithm. Hence, all the systems that can be implemented have in common the same properties and methods defined in this class. In particular, all systems are defined by the properties:
: the number of states of the systemm
: the number of inputs of the systemp
: the number of outputs of the system
And they all share the same implemntation of the discretize()
method, that uses first order Euler discretization to obtain the discrete-time representation from the linearized continuous-time dynamics of a system around an operating point.
Then, each class derived from this one must implement the following system-specific methods:
: to define the non-linear dynamics of the system -
: to simulate (possibly usingode45
) the non-linear system dynamics given an input sequence and an initial state -
: to define the output of the system given the states -
: to linearize the non-linear dynamics around an operating point -
: to fix values of reference states angles so that they are defined in the same angular interval (either$[-\pi,+\pi]$ or$[0,2\pi]$ ) as the measured system states angles (and hence allow the MPC algorithm to compute the correct angular distance) -
: to estimate the states of the system using the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) -
: to generate a reference trajectory for the system to track
The Unicycle
class is a concrete implementation of the DynamicalSystem
class that defines the dynamics of a simple unicycle model. The unicycle model is a non-linear system with three states and two inputs, that represents a simple wheeled robot that can move in the plane.
The model can be initialized by providing the necessary input arguments as in the example below:
r = 0.03; % wheel radius
L = 0.3; % distance between wheels
Ts = 0.1; % sampling time
x_constraints = [
-2 2; % x position constraints
-2 2; % y position constraints
-pi 3*pi; % heading angle constraints
u_constraints = [-50, 50]; % angular velocity constraints
states = 3; % number of states
outputs = 2; % number of outputs
Q_tilde = 0.75*1e-3*eye(states); % Process noise covariance
R_tilde = 1e-2*eye(outputs); % Measurement noise covariance
P0 = eye(states); % Initial state covariance
model = Unicycle(r, L, Ts, x_constraints, u_constraints, P0, Q_tilde, R_tilde);
The Helicopter
class is a concrete implementation of the DynamicalSystem
class that defines the dynamics of a simple helicopter model. The helicopter model is a non-linear system with
The model can be initialized by providing the necessary input arguments as in the example below:
bx = 2; by = 2; bz = 18; bpsi = 111;
kx = -0.5; ky = -0.5; kpsi = -5; ki = 2;
parameters = [bx; by; bz; bpsi; kx; ky; kpsi; ki];
g = 9.81;
Ts = 0.1; % sampling time
x_constraints = [ % state constraints
-10, 10; % xI constraints
-10, 10; % yI constraints
-10, 10; % zI constraints
-10, 10; % vxB constraints
-10, 10; % vyB constraints
-10, 10; % vzB constraints
-pi, 3*pi; % psi constraints
-25, 25; % omega constraints
u_constraints = [ % input constraints
-1, 1; % ux constraints
-1, 1; % uy constraints
-1, 1; % uz constraints
-1, 1; % upsi constraints
states = 8; % number of states
outputs = 4; % number of outputs
Q_tilde = 0.75*1e-3*eye(states); % Process noise covariance
R_tilde = 1e-2*eye(outputs); % Measurement noise covariance
P0 = eye(states); % Initial state covariance
model = Helicopter(parameters, Ts, x_constraints, u_constraints, P0, Q_tilde, R_tilde);
class defines the Model Predictive Control algorithm for non-linear dynamical systems. The MPC algorithm is based on the successive linearization and discretization of the dynamics around an operating point, and the solution of a Quadratic Programming (QP) problem to compute the optimal control input at each discretized time step.
class object can be initialized providing the fllowing input arguments depending on the conditions on which the MPC algorithm is applied:
mpc = MPC(model, x0, Tend, N, Q, R, x_ref, u_ref, preview, formulation, noise, debug)
: the dynamical system model to control that inherits from theDynamicalSystem
: the initial state of the systemTend
: the final time of the simulationN
: the prediction horizon of the MPC algorithmQ
: the state cost matrix of the MPC algorithmR
: the input cost matrix of the MPC algorithmx_ref
: the reference trajectory to tracku_ref
: the reference input sequence to trackpreview
: boolean flag: if enabled (i.e.1
, default choice) the MPC algorithm sees N steps ahead in the reference trajectory, otherwise (0
) it sees only the current step reference N timesformulation
: the formulation of the QP problem to solve: either'0: dense'
or'1: sparse'
: boolean flag: if enabled (i.e.1
) the MPC algorithm considers process and measurement noise in the system and theEFK_estimate()
method is called at each time step, otherwise (0
, default choice) the MPC algorithm considers a noise-free systemdebug
: boolean flag: if enabled (i.e.1
) the MPC algorithm prints debug information at each time step, otherwise (0
, default choice) it does not print any information
will internally look at the discretization time step Ts
of the dynamical system model to compute the total number of iterations of the MPC algorithm. Precisely, the total number Nsteps
of iterations is computed as
t = 0:model.Ts:Tend;
Nsteps = length(t)-(N+1);
After initialization with the desired setup, one can then collect the states of the dynamical system during simulation as well as the optimal input sequence at each time step by running the optimize()
method of the MPC
[x, u] = mpc.optimize();
At each time step, the optimize()
method internally uses the quadprog
function to solve the QP problem resultig from either the dense or sparse formulation chosen during initialization.
The goal of this repository was to implement a non-linear MPC algorithm with the addition of the Extended Kalman Filter state estimator and to reproduce the results presented in the referenced papers, in the context of a university exam project. However, if you have a suggestion that would make this better or extend its functionalities and want to share it with me, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement" or "extension".
Suggested contribution procedure:
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
[1] K. Kunz, S. M. Huck, T. H. Summers, "Fast Model Predictive Control of miniature helicopters", 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 2013, Pages 1377-1382, https://doi.org/10.23919/ECC.2013.6669699
[2] R.M. Murray, "Optimization Based Control", California Institute of Technology, 2023, Chapter Trajectory Generation and Differential Flatness, http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~murray/books/AM08/pdf/obc-complete_12Mar2023.pdf
[3] R. E. Kalman, "A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems", Journal of Basic Engineering, Volume 82, 1960, Pages 35-45, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3662552
[4] R. E. Kalman, R. S. Bucy, "New Results in Linear Filtering and Prediction Theory", Journal of Basic Engineering, Volume 83, 1961, Pages 95-108, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3658902
[5] The MathWorks Inc., "MATLAB version: 24.2.0 (R2024b)", The MathWorks Inc., 2024, https://www.mathworks.com
- Modelling and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems II Course (UniTS, Fall 2024) (access restricted to UniTS students and staff)
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