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regressão multipla v ~ 1 + d + ht + d * ht
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marcosdanieldasilva committed Aug 12, 2024
1 parent d2889b9 commit 239b691
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Showing 7 changed files with 689 additions and 419 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ForestMensuration.jl
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Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ module ForestMensuration
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207 changes: 152 additions & 55 deletions src/cubage.jl
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@@ -1,18 +1,37 @@
function _diameter_interpolation(h0::Real, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}) :: Float64
n = length(h)
for i in 2:n
if h0 <= h[i]
d_prev = d[i - 1] # Diameter at the lower height
d_next = d[i] # Diameter at the higher height
h_prev = h[i - 1] # Lower height
h_next = h[i] # Higher height
# Perform linear interpolation
return d_prev + ((d_next - d_prev) * (h0 - h_prev)) / (h_next - h_prev)
if h0 <= h[i]
d_prev = d[i - 1] # Diameter at the lower height
d_next = d[i] # Diameter at the higher height
h_prev = h[i - 1] # Lower height
h_next = h[i] # Higher height
# Perform linear interpolation
return d_prev + ((d_next - d_prev) * (h0 - h_prev)) / (h_next - h_prev)
error("Height h0 is outside the range of heights in the data.")

# Function to interpolate the height at a given diameter
function _height_interpolation(d_limit::Real, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}) :: Tuple{Float64, Int}
n = length(d)
# Find the position where d_limit should be interpolated
for i in 2:n
if d_limit <= d[i - 1] && d_limit >= d[i]
h_prev = h[i - 1] # Height at the lower diameter
h_next = h[i] # Height at the higher diameter
d_prev = d[i - 1] # Lower diameter
d_next = d[i] # Higher diameter
# Perform linear interpolation
interpolated_height = h_prev + ((h_next - h_prev) * (d_limit - d_prev)) / (d_next - d_prev)
return (interpolated_height, i)

error("Diameter d_limit is outside the range of diameters in the data.")

Calculates the volume of a cylinder, used to estimate the volume (v0) of the tree stump remaining after clear-cutting.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,11 +92,18 @@ In each section, diameters and lengths are measured at positions that vary accor
@inline bole_volume(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}) :: Float64 = bole_volume(method, h, d)

@inline bole_volume(::Type{<:Smalian}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}) :: Float64 = map(i ->/ 40000) * ((d[i]^2 + d[i - 1]^2) / 2) * (h[i] - h[i - 1]), 2:(length(h) - 1)) |> sum

@inline bole_volume(::Type{<:Huber}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}) :: Float64 = cylinder_volume.(map(i -> h[i] - h[i - 2], 3:2:length(h)), map(i -> d[i], 2:2:(length(d) - 1))) |> sum

@inline bole_volume(::Type{<:Newton}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}) :: Float64 = map(i ->/ 240000) * (h[i + 2] - h[i]) * (d[i]^2 + 4 * d[i + 1]^2 + d[i + 2]^2), 1:2:(length(h) - 3)) |> sum
# Smalian Method for Bole Volume Calculation
@inline function bole_volume(::Type{<:Smalian}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}, start_idx::Int, end_idx::Int) :: Float64
return map(i ->/ 40000) * ((d[i]^2 + d[i - 1]^2) / 2) * (h[i] - h[i - 1]), start_idx:end_idx) |> sum
# Huber Method for Bole Volume Calculation
@inline function bole_volume(::Type{<:Huber}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}, start_idx::Int, end_idx::Int) :: Float64
cylinder_volume.(map(i -> h[i] - h[i - 2], start_idx + 1:2:end_idx+1), map(i -> d[i], start_idx:2:end_idx)) |> sum
# Newton Method for Bole Volume Calculation
@inline function bole_volume(::Type{<:Newton}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}, start_idx::Int, end_idx::Int) :: Float64
map(i ->/ 240000) * (h[i + 2] - h[i]) * (d[i]^2 + 4 * d[i + 1]^2 + d[i + 2]^2), start_idx:2:(end_idx - 2)) |> sum

Artificial Form Factor (aff):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,46 +178,112 @@ Determination can be carried out on felled trees or standing trees using equipme
- `method::Type{<:CubingMethod}`: The method used for cubing (Smalian, Huber, or Newton).
- `h::Vector{<:Real}`: Vector of heights.
- `d::Vector{<:Real}`: Vector of diameters.
- `d_limit::Union{Float64, Nothing}`: Comercial diameter limit to be used in calculations (optional).
- `dbh::Float64`: Diameter at breast height (default is 1.3 meters).
# Returns
- `DataFrame`: A DataFrame with the calculated volumes and form factors.
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}; dbh::Float64=1.3) :: DataFrame
# Find position where h = 1.3
idx = findfirst(isequal(dbh), h)

if idx === nothing
error("Value of dbh when h = $dbh not found.")
# diameter at basal height and total height of the tree
dbh = d[idx]
ht = h[end]
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}, d_limit::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing; dbh::Real=1.3) :: DataFrame
# Find position where h = 1.3
idx = findfirst(isequal(dbh), h)

if idx === nothing
error("Value of dbh when h = $dbh not found.")

# total height of the tree
ht = h[end]

# If commercial diameter is not provided, set it to the last value in the diameter vector
if d_limit === nothing
d_limit = d[end - 1]

if d_limit > maximum(d)
# If no commercial limit or the limit is greater than any diameter, consider all as residual
hc = h[end - 1]
# Calculate volumes
v0 = cylinder_volume(h[begin], d[begin])
vc = bole_volume(method, h, d)
vn = cone_volume(ht - hc, d[end - 1])
vt = v0 + vc + vn
# Calculate the Form Factors
aff = artificial_form_factor(vt, ht, dbh)
nff = natural_form_factor(vt, ht, h, d)
qf = quotient_form(ht, dbh, h, d)
# Create DataFrame with results
vt = vt,
v0 = v0,
vc = vc,
vn = vn,
dbh = dbh,
ht = ht,
hc = hc,
aff = aff,
nff = nff,
qf = qf
hc_idx = length(h) - 1
vc = 0.0 # No commercial bole volume
vr = bole_volume(method, h, d, 2, hc_idx) # All bole volume is residual
if d_limit d && d_limit >= minimum(d)
# Interpolate to find the corresponding height for the commercial diameter limit
hi_at_d_limit, hc_idx = _height_interpolation(d_limit, h, d)
h = deepcopy(h)
d = deepcopy(d)
insert!(h, hc_idx, hi_at_d_limit)
insert!(d, hc_idx, d_limit)
hc = h[hc_idx]
elseif d_limit d
hc_idx = findlast(isequal(d_limit), d)
hc = h[hc_idx]
hc_idx = length(h) - 1
hc = h[hc_idx]
vc = bole_volume(method, h, d, 2, hc_idx) # Commercial bole volume up to d_limit
vr = bole_volume(method, h, d, hc_idx + 1, length(h) - 1) # Residual bole volume above d_limit
# Calculate other volumes
v0 = cylinder_volume(h[begin], d[begin]) # Volume of the cylinder at the base
vn = cone_volume(ht - h[end - 1], d[end - 1]) # Volume of the cone above h[end - 1]
vt = v0 + vc + vr + vn # Total volume
# Calculate the Form Factors
aff = artificial_form_factor(vt, ht, dbh)
nff = natural_form_factor(vt, ht, h, d)
qf = quotient_form(ht, dbh, h, d)
# Create DataFrame with results
vt = vt,
v0 = v0,
vc = vc,
vr = vr,
vn = vn,
dbh = d[idx],
ht = ht,
hc = hc,
aff = aff,
nff = nff,
qf = qf

# function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}; dbh::Float64=1.3) :: DataFrame
# # Find position where h = 1.3
# idx = findfirst(isequal(dbh), h)

# if idx === nothing
# error("Value of dbh when h = $dbh not found.")
# end
# # diameter at basal height and total height of the tree
# dbh = d[idx]
# ht = h[end]
# hc = h[end - 1]
# # Calculate volumes
# v0 = cylinder_volume(h[begin], d[begin])
# vc = bole_volume(method, h, d)
# vn = cone_volume(ht - hc, d[end - 1])
# vt = v0 + vc + vn
# # Calculate the Form Factors
# aff = artificial_form_factor(vt, ht, dbh)
# nff = natural_form_factor(vt, ht, h, d)
# qf = quotient_form(ht, dbh, h, d)
# # Create DataFrame with results
# DataFrame(
# vt = vt,
# v0 = v0,
# vc = vc,
# vn = vn,
# dbh = dbh,
# ht = ht,
# hc = hc,
# aff = aff,
# nff = nff,
# qf = qf
# )
# end

Calculate tree cubage including bark factor.
The methods involve dividing the tree trunk into n sections (logs).
Expand All @@ -202,23 +294,26 @@ In each section, diameters and lengths are measured at positions that vary accor
- `h::Vector{<:Real}`: Vector of heights.
- `d::Vector{<:Real}`: Vector of diameters.
- `e::Vector{<:Real}`: Vector of bark thicknesses.
- `d_limit::Union{Float64, Nothing}`: Comercial diameter limit to be used in calculations (optional).
- `dbh::Float64`: Diameter at breast height (default is 1.3 meters).
# Returns
- `DataFrame`: A DataFrame with the calculated volumes, form factors, and bark-adjusted volumes.
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}, e::Vector{<:Real}; dbh::Float64=1.3)
cubage_table = cubage(method, h, d, dbh = dbh)
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, h::Vector{<:Real}, d::Vector{<:Real}, e::Vector{<:Real}, d_limit::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing; dbh::Float64=1.3)
cubage_table = cubage(method, h, d, d_limit, dbh = dbh)
# bark factor
insertcols!(cubage_table, :k => bark_factor(d, e))
# total volume without bark
insertcols!(cubage_table, :vtwb => cubage_table.vt .* cubage_table.k.^2)
# cylinder volume without bark
insertcols!(cubage_table, :v0wb => cubage_table.v0 .* cubage_table.k.^2)
# cone volume without bark
insertcols!(cubage_table, :vnwb => .* cubage_table.k.^2)
# bole volume without bark
insertcols!(cubage_table, :vcwb => .* cubage_table.k.^2)
# residual volume without bark
insertcols!(cubage_table, :vrwb => cubage_table.vr .* cubage_table.k.^2)
# cone volume without bark
insertcols!(cubage_table, :vnwb => .* cubage_table.k.^2)
return cubage_table

Expand All @@ -233,15 +328,16 @@ In each section, diameters and lengths are measured at positions that vary accor
- `h::Symbol`: The symbol representing the heights in the DataFrame.
- `d::Symbol`: The symbol representing the diameters in the DataFrame.
- `data::AbstractDataFrame`: The DataFrame containing the tree data.
- `d_limit::Union{Float64, Nothing}`: Comercial diameter limit to be used in calculations (optional).
- `dbh::Float64`: Diameter at breast height (default is 1.3 meters).
# Returns
- `DataFrame`: A DataFrame with the calculated volumes and form factors for each tree.
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, tree::Symbol, h::Symbol, d::Symbol, data::AbstractDataFrame; dbh::Float64=1.3)
combine(groupby(data, tree)) do df
cubage(method, df[:, h], df[:, d], dbh = dbh)
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, tree::Symbol, h::Symbol, d::Symbol, data::AbstractDataFrame, d_limit::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing; dbh::Float64=1.3)
combine(groupby(data, tree)) do df
cubage(method, df[:, h], df[:, d], d_limit, dbh = dbh)

Expand All @@ -256,13 +352,14 @@ In each section, diameters and lengths are measured at positions that vary accor
- `d::Symbol`: The symbol representing the diameters in the DataFrame.
- `e::Symbol`: The symbol representing the bark thicknesses in the DataFrame.
- `data::AbstractDataFrame`: The DataFrame containing the tree data.
- `d_limit::Union{Float64, Nothing}`: Comercial diameter limit to be used in calculations (optional).
- `dbh::Float64`: Diameter at breast height (default is 1.3 meters).
# Returns
- `DataFrame`: A DataFrame with the calculated volumes, form factors, and bark-adjusted volumes for each tree.
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, tree::Symbol, h::Symbol, d::Symbol, e::Symbol, data::AbstractDataFrame; dbh::Float64=1.3)
function cubage(method::Type{<:CubingMethod}, tree::Symbol, h::Symbol, d::Symbol, e::Symbol, data::AbstractDataFrame, d_limit::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing; dbh::Float64=1.3)
combine(groupby(data, tree)) do df
cubage(method, df[:, h], df[:, d], df[:, e], dbh = dbh)
cubage(method, df[:, h], df[:, d], df[:, e], d_limit, dbh = dbh)

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