Here I want to collect some common use cases that can help you to better understand how to use HTML Miner
All examples use ES2015
The htmlMiner selector
can be tricky to use because this can assume different shapes.
One interesting thing is that the selector
can be also a function, and this is very powerful because you can use the full power of Cheerio inside your html.
As you can see, the code below seems like using good old jQuery
htmlMiner(html, arg => {
const $images = Array.from(arg.$('img'));
return $ => {
const $currentImage = arg.$(img);
return {
src: $currentImage.attr('src'),
alt: $currentImage.attr('alt'),
The above code is doing totally the same of Get
I want to get the text
and the href
from a list of <a>
<a class="link-class" href="">Link 1</a>
<a class="link-class" href="">Link 2</a>
htmlMiner(html, {
_each_: '.link-class',
text: arg => arg.$scope.text(),
href: arg => arg.$scope.attr('href')
accepts a selector, so you can replace'.link-class'
to get the same results.
I want to get the src
and the alt
from a list of <img>
This is totally the same as above.
<img src="/image-1.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
<img src="/image-2.jpg" alt="Image 2" />
htmlMiner(html, {
_each_: 'img',
src: arg => arg.$scope.attr('src'),
alt: arg => arg.$scope.attr('alt')