v1.8.4 (R2) with DSD 'native' support for ALSA
Lightweight headless squeezebox emulator capable to play server side upsampled and decoded PCM streams or 'native' DSD formats.
Works best with C-3PO Trascoding helper plug-in for Squeezebox server (https://github.com/marcoc1712/C-3PO) and Falcon web interface (https://github.com/marcoc1712/falcon).
IMPORTANT: to correctly stream DSD format you need to have ALSA >= 1.0.29 in on your O.S. Best with Kernel >= 4.10 installed.
To install squeezelite-R2 just download the attached binary for your OS and architecture.
For an end to end solution, You could give a try to Falcon: https://github.com/marcoc1712/falcon.
You could compile your version of squeezelite-R2 using included makefiles or MSVS project for windows (see building instructions).
See http://audiodigitale.eu/ for other architectures (RPI included).
Squeezelite-R2 is Based on:
Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator
see https://code.google.com/p/squeezelite
or https://github.com/marcoc1712/squeezelite-R2/tree/master (github clone).
(c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com
Patch to Allow server side upsampling for PCM streams
see https://github.com/marcoc1712/squeezelite/tree/mc2_allow_lms_side_pcm_upsampling.
(c) Marco Curti 2015, marcoc1712@gmail.com
Patch to disable LMS downsampling
see https://github.com/marcoc1712/squeezelite/tree/Daphile_disable_lms_side_downsampling.
(c) Daphile 2015
Patches for 'native' DSD playback
(c) Daphile 2016
This release:
(c) Marco Curti 2015-2017 marcoc1712@gmail.com
Released under GPLv3 license:
See Included License.txt
Here some more information and guide (only in italian) on how to configure and use Squeezelite-R2:
Starting form March, 15 2016 the mod that originates squeezelite-R2 is included in the squeezebox community official version of squeezelite, mantained by Ralph Irving. You could then use that version activating -W option and obtainig the very same result.
NEW in 1.8.4:
supports 'native' DSD playback with ALSA.