v1.8.1 (R2)
Lightweight headless squeezebox emulator capable to play server side upsampled and decoded PCM streams.
Works best with C-3PO Trascoding helper plug-in for Squeezebox server (https://github.com/marcoc1712/C-3PO/releases)
Based on:
Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator
see https://code.google.com/p/squeezelite
or https://github.com/marcoc1712/squeezelite-R2/tree/master (github clone).(c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com
Patch to Allow server side upsampling for PCM streams
see https://github.com/marcoc1712/squeezelite/tree/mc2_allow_lms_side_pcm_upsampling.(c) Marco Curti 2015, marcoc1712@gmail.com
Patch to disable LMS downsampling
see https://github.com/marcoc1712/squeezelite/tree/Daphile_disable_lms_side_downsampling.(c) Daphile 2015
This release:
(c) Marco Curti 2015, marcoc1712@gmail.com
Released under GPLv3 license:
See Included License.txt.