PyODConverter (for Python OpenDocument Converter) is a Python script that automates office document conversions from the command line using LibreOffice or OpenOffice.org.
The script was written as a simpler alternative to JODConverter for command line usage.
PyODConverter requires LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org to be running as a service and listening on port (by default) 2002; this can be achieved e.g. by starting it from the command line as
$ soffice --headless --nofirststartwizard "--accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.Service"
The script expects exactly 2 parameters: an input and an output file names. The document formats are inferred from the file extensions.
Since it uses the Python/UNO bridge, the script requires the UNO modules to be already present in your Python installation. Most of the time this means you need to use the Python version installed with OpenOffice.org, e.g. on Windows
> "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3.1\program\python" DocumentConverter.py test.odt test.pdf
or on Linux
$ /opt/openoffice.org3.1/program/python DocumentConverter.py test.odt test.pdf
- Page Orientation - Set the page orientation
or--page-orientation LANDSCAPE
(defaults to PORTRAIT) - Page Size - Set the page size
-s A3
or--page-size A3
(defaults to A4)
If you want to write your own scripts in Python, PyODConverter can also act as a Python module, exporting a DocumentConverter class with a very simple API.
v1.6 - 2013-06-05
- Fix support to print all sheets
- Fix parameters to initialize SOffice service
v1.5 - 2013-01-07
- Adding method to be able to get file base name
- Improvement files export from Presentation to Images. Now for each slide, an image will be created.
v1.4 - 2013-01-03
- Improvement the toProperties method to be able add array Uno properties
- Adding the Overwrite and IsSkipEmptyPages options.
- Update the README.
v1.3 - 2013-01-02
- Adding new docx format support.
- Adding paper size and orientation capable.
- Updated the options parser.
- Updated contributors.
v1.2 - 2012-03-10
- Changed default port to 2002
- Moved to GitHub
v1.1 - 2009-11-14
- Fixed HTML import issues by adding FAMILY_WEB
- Support for specifying input formats and options
- Support for passing filter options to output formats
- Added CSV and TXT as input and output formats
- Support for overriding Page Style properties, especially useful for specifying how spreadsheets should fit into pages when exporting to PDF
v1.0.0 - 2008-05-05
- Let OOo determine the input document type, rather than using the file extension. This means all OOo-supported input types should now be accepted without any additional configuration.
- mirkonasato mirko.nasato@gmail.com
- marcelaraujo admin@marcelaraujo.me