A reference implementation of the DG CR FEM to compute fracture through phase-field, as described in:
Marazzato, F. and Bourdin, B. (2022). A DG/CR discretization for the variational phase-field approach to fracture. DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2203.03778
This software is free software, distributed under the 2-clause BSD license. A copy of the license is included in the LICENSE file. We cordially ask that any published work derived from this code, or utilizing it references the software as DOI, and the above-mentioned submitted work:
title={A {DG/CR} discretization for the variational phase-field approach to fracture},
author={Marazzato, F. and Bourdin, B.},
The last release:
This software relies on FEniCS and has been proof tested with Fenics 2019.1.0.