About me
- 🔭 I am a Golang back-end development engineer from Henan, China
- 🤔 I love computer, cross-major self-study, now Java to GO
- 📝 I’m currently working on BlueCity
- 🌱 I’m currently learning 【后端】【微服务】【区块链】【游戏开发】
- 🚀 Motto: 如果有不可能,那就去创造。
- 📫 How to reach me: WeChat:18836288306 OR B 站
- 🔥 Fun fact: swimming、League of Legends games
- 💬 ask me about anything, I am happy to help
- 🔧 Golang求职笔经面经
📙点击此处可展开 官方公众号: Gopher毛;QQ交流群4:1005877636;QQ交流群3(满):805360166(活跃 巨佬云集);QQ交流群2(满);QQ交流群1(满) :1007576722
🌟 The following are the companies I have worked for 🌟