I'm a serverless architect and developer, using managed services first and FaaS when necessary to experiment and solve business problems as quickly and effectively as I can with the least amount of operational overhead possible. I prefer TypeScript > JavaScript > Java. IaC and automate all the things!
Some of my favorite tools include AWS, CircleCI, and the Serverless Framework. I recently started working with Jeremy Daly's DynamoDB Toolbox library and I'm loving it - it's the best library I've found to simplify working with single-table designs.
I'm really proud of the applications and libraries that I've pinned below. I built each one in response to challenges that were (as far as I could tell) unsolved at the time, and after reusing them on a handful of projects I decided to publish them in the hopes that others could benefit as well. I aim to be as responsive as possible to issues and suggestions and I'm always looking for collaborators to work with - you can find me on Twitter or LinkedIn if you want to connect.
Happy coding!