Hello! I'm Manu, a Computer Engineering student with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision. My passion for technology and AI has led me to explore different areas within the field of computer science. This is my virtual corner where I share my projects and learnings. Let me introduce you to some of the technologies and areas I've developed into during my academic journey:
Artificial Intelligence is my true passion. I have extensively explored machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and other exciting fields within AI. I'm always looking for ways to apply AI to enhance people's lives and simplify complex tasks.
Computer Vision is a fascinating field that I have dedicated considerable time to. I've worked on projects involving sound classification, object detection, and pattern recognition using cutting-edge computer vision techniques and frameworks.
Here are some of my standout projects on GitHub:
This project uses VA for detecting elements in soccer, built in python
Scripts for two implementations, IA and VA similarity sorting by an input, built in python
I developed a sound recognition system that can identify zombie sounds in the popular game Minecraft. This project uses machine learning to distinguish zombie noises from other in-game sounds, enhancing the player's experience.
📧 Email: manuel.amestoy@udc.es
💼 LinkedIn: manuamest
🌐 Website: https://manuamest.github.io/
Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile! 🙌