Also see mkdocs!
How to create powerful AWS lambda python function that fits in a 250Mb package
More info:
- Docker (
Lightweight python package with rasterio, fiona and a few others
Updated to use the lambci base image!
- Modules:
- numpy
- rasterio
- fiona
- pandas
- pymongo
- requests
- Command:
make r_f
- Package size: 41Mb (129Mb)
Lightweight python package with rasterio
- Modules:
- numpy
- rasterio (v1.0a12)
- Command:
make rasterio
- Package size: 26.8Mb (95.9Mb)
Adding simple image processing modules
- Modules:
- numpy
- rasterio (v1.0a12)
- Wand (ImageMagick)
- Pillow (PIL)
- Command:
make image
- Package size: 32.7Mb (113.8Mb)
Image processing using OpenCV
- Modules:
- numpy
- rasterio (v1.0a12)
- python-OpenCV (cv2)
- Command:
make opencv
- Package size: 51.5Mb (166.8Mb)
A complete suite of geospatial modules, using GDAL minimal driver support.
- Modules:
- numpy
- rasterio (v1.0a12)
- shapely
- mercantile
- supermercado
- fiona
- psycopg2
- Command:
make geospatial
- Package size: 27.7Mb (87.9Mb)
- Modules:
- numpy
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- rasterio
- Command:
make scipy
- Package size: 44.8Mb (148Mb)
libs included on AWS Lambda
Python modules included on AWS Lambda
How to create lightweight lambda package inspiration from
AWS Lambda docs
scikit-learn on AWS Lambda