- In this project we will try to mask our body and try to fit it in another image or we can say we transform our body to another background.
pip install tf_bodypix tfjs_graph_converter matplotlib opencv-python
- opencv : https://docs.opencv.org/master/index.html
- matplotlib : https://matplotlib.org/stable/contents.html
- tensorflow : https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs
- bodypix : https://github.com/de-code/python-tf-bodypix
- Download Code as Zip OR
git clone https://github.com/manthan89-py/Blog-Summarizer.git
- Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tB6jG55mig
- Github : https://github.com/nicknochnack
- Thank you very much Nicholas Renotte Sir🤝❤️.