If you want to use a factory to create your KeyValueStore you can use the following:
- Add the dependencies.
- Create your KeyValueStore using the KeyValueStoreFactory.
To start add the following dependencies.
Where MY_VERSION should be replaced with the version you want to use and IMPL should be replaced with the respective implementation you want to use.
The factory makes it possible to create a KeyValueStore using factory with a map that defines the key/values to be used to create the KeyValueStore.
For example see the snippet below to create a FilesystemKeyValueStore.
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("className", "com.manorrock.eagle.filesystem.FilesystemKeyValueStore");
properties.put("baseDirectory", "mydirectory");
KeyValueStore store = KeyValueStoreFactory.getKeyValueStore(properties);
Note the key/values in the map are dependent on the underlying KeyValueStore you are trying to create.
See the respective implementation for the correct key/values.
Then the rest is using the KeyValueStore APIs.